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Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program

Connecting Communities: Broadband for Rural America Benefits Us All

October 22, 2014 Doug O'Brien, Acting Under Secretary, USDA Rural Development

Today, Secretary Vilsack announced over $190 million of investment in broadband projects through USDA's Community Connect program, the Public Television Digital Transition Grant, and the Telecommunications Infrastructure Loan Program. Time and time again, we hear stories about the significant impact...

Rural Technology

Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Telephone Authority-The First Indian Company to use USDA Loan Processes-Upgrades Telephone Service for Members

December 17, 2010 Tammi Schone, USDA South Dakota Public Information Officer, information provided by: Christine Sorensen, Rural and Native American Coordinator for South Dakota.

USDA Rural Development South Dakota State Director Elsie Meeks recently awarded the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) Telephone Authority headquartered in Eagle Butte a $37.9 million USDA Telecommunication Infrastructure Loan to complete a total fiber to premises build out. Attending the award...


Promise of Broadband Expansion Coming True

December 08, 2010 Larry Dreiling, Senior Field Editor, High Plains Journal

In the days of the Great Depression, the National Recovery Act had as part of its focus the development of rural America. The primary initiatives of that era were development of electrical and telephone systems throughout the nation.

Initiatives Rural Technology
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