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H2O in Space: Waste Not, Want Not

October 27, 2021 Scott Elliott, Agricultural Research Service Office of Communications

Water is critical in space. This is especially true for NASA’s planned long-term space missions, replete with on-board farming. At roughly 8.34 pounds per gallon, getting enough H2O aboard ship to irrigate crops and sustain astronauts is expensive, as every pound carried to space requires additional...

Research and Science

Our Drinking Water and Forest Service Research

June 07, 2018 Shannon Kelleher, Research and Development Knowledge Management and Communications, USDA Forest Service

Behind every drop of water from the tap is an entire forest ecosystem. And while it’s easy to take drinking water for granted, you might be surprised to learn that the nation’s largest single source of water is the National Forest System, the network of national forests stewarded by the USDA Forest...

Forestry Research and Science

Small Town 4-H'er Reaches for the Stars

November 28, 2016 Kelly Sprute, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Many kids gaze up into the night’s sky and dream of touching the stars. Peggy Whitson, NASA astronaut and commander of the International Space Station, turned that dream into reality. Whitson grew up in the small town of Beaconsfield, Iowa, completing standard chores like mowing the lawn and caring...

Research and Science

Agricultural Production in Brazil: Adapting to a Resilient Climate

January 13, 2016 Mark Brusberg, Deputy Chief Meteorologist for USDA's Office of the Chief Economist

Over the last 25 years, the American farmer has become increasingly aware of the impact of South American agricultural output on the global supply of grains and oilseeds. For example, in recent years Brazil has risen to the number one position as an exporter of soybeans. Further, the combined output...


Planting the Seeds for Tomorrow's STEAM Leaders

October 07, 2015 Lilia McFarland, New and Beginning Farmer and Rancher Program Coordinator

Did you know that NASA has a mini veggie farm at the International Space Station that grows lettuce? Every day, ground-breaking scientific research is taking place to improve food production practices in order to feed people on Earth and in space. Earlier this week in USDA’s People's Garden, local 4...

Conservation Initiatives Research and Science

Fun in the Sun - #USDARoadTrip Through Conservation and Recreation

July 06, 2015 Matt Herrick, USDA Director of Communications

The second stop on our #USDARoadTrip is our recreation and conservation portfolio, including our vast and spectacular forest and grassland system managed by USDA’s Forest Service as well as some of the cooperative conservation efforts underway by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and...

Conservation Forestry

USDA-NASA's Global View of Earth's Soil Holds Many Benefits

April 07, 2015 Sandra Avant, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio . When we think about space missions, we tend to look toward the stars to planets like Mars where robotic rovers roam...

Conservation Research and Science

A Year Round Fire Season?

March 30, 2015 Robert Westover, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

There was a time when fire season for Western states meant only certain months out of the year. Not so long ago the U.S. Forest Service considered it primarily a summer problem with a few regions breaking the trend in early spring and late fall. But climate change, according to most wildland fire...


Needing a Clearer Crystal Ball

March 24, 2015 Kim Kaplan, Agricultural Research Service

This post is part of the Science Tuesday feature series on the USDA blog. Check back each week as we showcase stories and news from USDA’s rich science and research portfolio. If you think the local weather forecaster has trouble predicting if it will rain tomorrow, imagine how hard it is to...

Research and Science

How USDA's Snow Survey Program Got Started

March 11, 2015 Spencer Miller, Natural Resources Conservation Service

James E. Church was a man who answered his calling. Like a real-life Indiana Jones, Professor Church pursued adventure around the world, ending a war and helping to found the Snow Survey Program on the way. Every hero needs a cause; Church found his in snow. Born in Michigan in 1869, Church moved...

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