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Department of State

USDA Charts Course for Strengthening World Aquaculture

February 06, 2018 Jan Suszkiw, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

Charting a course ahead for the conservation and sustainable farming of freshwater and marine species is a chief focus of the first State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, a Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) report that will contain subsections from 89...

Research and Science

Local Experience Plants Seeds of Positive Youth Development Abroad

June 22, 2016 Amy McCune, National Program Leader, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Institute of Youth, Family, and Community

Raising children to be their very best is not a concept unique to any particular country; rather, teaching youth to make better choices and create positive change in their communities is a common theme. 4-H is an American program that provides positive youth development by promoting citizenship...


Obama Administration Launches Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture

September 24, 2014 Secretary of State John Kerry, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and Dr. Rajiv "Raj" Shah, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development

From record droughts in Kansas to deadly wildfires in California, the United States is feeling the effects of climate change. These same conditions have a dire impact across the developing world, especially for poor, rural smallholder farmers whose very lives are threatened every time the rains...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Trade

Tracing a Path Out of a Costly Trade Dispute

June 27, 2014 Lorenzo Tribbett, AMS Specialty Crops Inspection Division Director

When we shop for items like orange juice at the grocery store, we often take for granted what goes on behind the scenes before we can enjoy these quality foods. Our nation’s producers and processors do not take it for granted. These products represent their livelihood, and the ability to reach new...


Celebrating 90-Plus Years of USDA's International Activities

June 02, 2014 Allan Mustard, Agricultural Minister-Counselor, U.S. Embassy New Delhi, India

The modern Foreign Service is celebrating its 90 th anniversary this year, as is the American Foreign Service Association. In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge signed the Foreign Service Act into law, combining the United States diplomatic and consular services to create the United States Foreign...


Forest Service Recognizes United Nations' International Day of Forests

March 21, 2013 Joanna Stancil, State and Private Forestry, and Amparo Garcia and Robert Westover, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

Try going one full day without using a product derived from a tree. You won’t be able to use a pencil or paper or sit on your couch or at a desk. You won’t be able to check the mail or drink coffee while reading the newspaper.


USDA and Other Federal Employees Meet in Northern Wisconsin to Discuss the Importance of Title IX

March 28, 2012 Kelly Edwards, Wisconsin USDA Public Information Officer

This year marks the 40 th anniversary of the passage of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 addressing gender equity in educational programming. For the first time, this groundbreaking legislation mandated equal opportunity for women in all fields of federally funded public education. The...


Bridging the Gap on Agricultural Research and Development with the Private Sector

February 23, 2012 Dr. Catherine Woteki, USDA Chief Scientist and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to meet with 70 private sector representatives at the first Feed the Future Public-Private Partnership Technical Forum, hosted jointly by USDA, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the Department of State at the White House Conference Center. We...

USDA Results

USDA’s Food Assistance Program Legacy Lives On

March 17, 2011 Katie Gorscak, Foreign Agricultural Service

The United States has a long history of helping those in need and USDA has played a large role in these efforts over the years. The U.S. government’s food assistance programs were born in a time of conflict. Food aid played a crucial role in the reconstruction of Europe after World War II. Farm and...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Trade

Looking Back on USDA’s Recovery Efforts in Haiti

January 12, 2011 Eugene Philhower, Foreign Agricultural Service

Today marks the one-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti. The earthquake devastated the already fragile and poor country, killing more than 300,000 people, and brought economic activities to a standstill leaving the capital of Port au Prince in a condition that is almost...

Food and Nutrition Trade
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