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NRCS Shares Soil Science through International Engagement

November 09, 2020 Derric Cushman, USDA

As the world leader in soil classification and soil survey, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), was invited to give a keynote presentation at the XXVII Congress of Soil Science of Argentina held virtually the week of October 12, 2020. Soil Survey Regional Director Luis Hernandez...


New Nanosensor Detects Microscopic Contaminants in Water

November 15, 2019 the National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Good things come in small packages. Sadly, so do bad things. That’s where Iowa State University’s (ISU) Department of Mechanical Engineering comes in.

Research and Science Technology

USDA Southeast Climate Hub Workshop Discusses Salinization Impacts: What is Known and What is Not Known to Address Them

November 07, 2019 Nancy Gibson (Southeast Climate Hub), Steve McNulty (Southeast Climate Hub), and Michael Gavazzi (Southeast Climate Hub)

Trees and crops are experiencing stress, productivity loss and even death in coastal areas due to saltwater intrusion and salinization. For example, Somerset County, Maryland has been losing farmland to salt marsh migration at a rate of 100 acres per year over the last 10 years, and that amount is...


SoilWeb App 2.0 Offers Valuable Soil Info on the Go

June 26, 2019 Tammy Cheever and Dee Ann Littlefield, USDA NRCS

Have you ever wondered about the soil you are standing on, at any given spot in the United States? Curious about what soil type it is? How about if the soil is easy to dig? If the soil is ideal for supporting the weight of a house or a barn? Or simply, if it will help you grow better tomatoes?

Conservation Technology

I’m Not Going to Turn Another Clod

November 28, 2018 Robert Hathorne and Chad Douglas, NRCS

Plunging his shovel into a wheat field covered in soybean residue, Gary Hula hefts up a mound of crumbly soil with a grin. The county is under moderate drought and it’s just above freezing outside, but the soil in his shovel is full of moisture and riddled with worm holes—sure signs of healthy soil.


Scientists Bring Back the Good Earth

November 08, 2018 Diane Banegas, Research and Development, Forest Service

“You can’t have a forest without a foundation of quality soil,” said Debbie Page-Dumroese, a soil scientist for the U.S. Forest Service’s Rocky Mountain Research Station in Moscow, Idaho. That’s the lesson learned when hundreds of ponderosa pines were planted on rocky streambanks in national forests...


NIFA Programs Support Soil Health

December 04, 2017 Hope Marshall, Communications Staff, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), one-third of the planet’s soils are degraded. This condition is caused by a number of natural factors, including wind and water erosion and nutrient imbalances, but people also leave an indelible impact on the earth...

Research and Science

NRCS Develops New Web App to Expedite Agency Response to Harvey

September 20, 2017 Dee Ann Littlefield, NRCS Public Affairs Specialist, Henrietta, TX

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Texas has developed a new USDA web application – Hurricane Harvey Damage Reporter – to help staff assess post-storm, agricultural damages faster and easier than the previous handwritten process.

Conservation Technology

New Data Unveil Underground Detroit

May 31, 2017 Jocelyn Benjamin, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Soils experts from USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently completed a five-year project to map underground Detroit. “Now planners, developers and others in Detroit can use our soils data to understand their soil’s ability to support green infrastructure, development and urban...

Conservation Technology

Earthworms Work Wonders for Soils

April 21, 2017 Sandra Avant, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

Think earthworms are only good for fish bait? Think again! Earthworms play a valuable role in soil health and viability in forests, prairies, gardens and even on farmland. Earth Day is a good time to recognize earthworms as environmental helpers. They feed primarily on organic material in soils...

Research and Science
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