U.S. Department of Agriculture Lapse in Funding Plans
USDA Agencies have developed the below procedures and contingency plans for use in the event of a lapse in funding. Choose from the following list below to read the plans Agencies have developed.
- Agency Plans
- USDA FY2023 Summary of Activities (PDF, 189 KB)
- Departmental Administration Contingency Plan (PDF, 260 KB)
- Foreign Agricultural Service Contingency Plan (PDF, 344 KB)
- Food and Nutrition Service Contingency Plan (PDF, 180 KB)
- Farm Production and Conservation Contingency Plan (PDF, 312 KB)
- Forest Service Contingency Plan (PDF, 337 KB)
- Food Safety and Inspection Service Contingency Plan (PDF, 266 KB)
- Marketing and Regulatory Programs Contingency Plan (PDF, 338 KB)
- Office of Budget and Program Analysis Contingency Plan (PDF, 170 KB)
- Office of Communications Contingency Plan (PDF, 135 KB)
- Office of the Chief Economist Contingency Plan (PDF, 81.7 KB)
- Office of the Chief Financial Officer Contingency Plan (PDF, 247 KB)
- Office of the Chief Information Officer Contingency Plan (PDF, 115 KB)
- Office of Civil Rights Contingency Plan (PDF, 147 KB)
- Office of the General Counsel Contingency Plan (PDF, 195 KB)
- Office of Hearings and Appeals Contingency Plan (PDF, 168 KB)
- Office of Inspector General Contingency Plan (PDF, 165 KB)
- Office of Partnerships and Public Engagement Contingency Plan (PDF, 121 KB)
- Office of the Secretary Contingency Plan (PDF, 182 KB)
- Rural Development Contingency Plan (PDF, 270 KB)
- Research, Education, and Economics Mission Area Contingency Plan (PDF, 318 KB)
Information and Resources:
- Employee Frequently Asked Questions: Lapse in Appropriations (PDF, 345 KB)
- Retirement, Health Insurance and Benefits, Office of Workers’ Compensation, and Unemployment Compensation Frequently Asked Questions: Lapse in Appropriations (PDF, 164 KB)
- OPM Shutdown Furlough Guidance - This page provides information on shutdown furloughs. This guidance applies to activities that are funded by annual appropriations. Some agency functions have alternative funding sources and, as a result, are not directly affected by a lapse in annual appropriations.
- OPM Operating Status - The current Washington, DC area operating status can be found on OPM’s website or by downloading the OPM Alert Mobile App.
- USDA Employee Information Line - The Employee Information Line provides information on the Status of USDA facilities in the National Capital Region, severe weather or employee working hours/reporting times. This line is updated daily. Please call 1-800-932-1902 for current information. For TTY services, call 1-800-877-8339.
- Office of Management and Budget - All Agency contingency plans.