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Showing: 4781 - 4790 of 27453 Results

ELAP Sign-Up Approaching


The deadline is coming up soon for those eligible to sign up for a USDA disaster assistance, program, including dairy producers with losses associated with the H5N1 virus. (Rod Bain and Farm Service Agency Assistance Deputy Administrator Kimberly Graham)

Daily Newsline

Considerations for Cattle Care in Arctic Conditions


Cattle producers have several considerations as they protect their livestock from arctic weather conditions, or in the case of the start of this year, several arctic blasts. (Rod Bain and Karl Hoppe of North Dakota State University Extension)

Daily Newsline

Beef Supplies Tighten - What is the Price Impact?


USDA's latest look at beef production year over year provides indications regarding steer price projections for this year. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: ELAP and Recent H5N1 Provision


Farm Service Agency Assistant Deputy Administrator Kimberly Graham discussed the recent inclusion of milk losses by dairy cattle due to the H5N1 virus for eligibility under the Emergency Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP).

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Frigid Faire for Sunday Football Playoff Games


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey previews what is expected to be chilly, and perhaps snowy, conditions for two East Coast National Football League playoff contests on Sunday.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Arctic Blast and Conditions for Saturday Football Playoff


USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey talks about the path of an arctic blast expected to arrive in Kansas City Saturday afternoon in time for the NFL playoff game there.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Poultry Production and Prices Forecasts for January


World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski goes over forecasts for broiler production and price, and turkey production, per the latest USDA meat outlook.

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Arctic Wind Impacts on Cattle


Karl Hoppe of North Dakota State University Extension notes how cattle will seek shelter from winds, particularly like arctic blasts experienced across different parts of the country in recent days.

Daily Newsline

La Nina is Officially Here


The Climate Prediction Center earlier this month announced a La Nina advisory, and weather impacts are already being felt across the nation. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Daily Newsline

Actuality: Caution Regarding Regifting Family Heirloom


Laura Hendrix of University of Arkansas Extension explains caution, and most likely, discussion needs to occur when considering the regifting of a personal or family heirloom.

Daily Newsline


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