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Showing: 351 - 360 of 569 Results
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Texas High Tunnels Boost Production Possibilities for Urban Farmers

March 21, 2013 Beverly Moseley, NRCS Texas

‘Valley Girl’ and ‘Celebrity’ are just two of the sought-after tomato varieties sold at Elvis d’Agrella’s farmer’s market stand in the summer. And now his weekly customers can purchase those tomatoes well into the winter, because he and his wife, Pat, have constructed a seasonal high tunnel at their...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming

Ag Day for All -- Celebrating the Contributions of Farmers and Ranchers

March 19, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

We have a tremendously productive agriculture sector in the United States. In my lifetime, agriculture production has tripled. In 1950, a dairy cow produced about 5,300 pounds of milk each year; today, it’s 22,000 pounds per year.

Forestry Food and Nutrition Farming Research and Science

Updated Web Tool Maps U.S. Food Access in Greater Detail

March 11, 2013 Paula Dutko, Food Assistance Branch, Economic Research Service

Access to stores that carry healthy, affordable food can play an important role in people’s nutrition and overall health. Ensuring access to healthy food is a priority for USDA and a key component of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! initiative.

Food and Nutrition Farming Research and Science

On International Women's Day, A Tribute to Women in Agriculture

March 08, 2013 Kathleen Merrigan, Deputy Secretary

Today, March 8 th, is International Women’s Day. What better day to recognize the incredible achievements of women in agriculture? Women have always played a key role on the farm or ranch. Traditionally, women often kept the books and ensured the solvency of the business while men ran the day-to-day...

USDA Results Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming Initiatives

Deputy Secretary Discusses Food Hubs, New Orleans Style

February 28, 2013 Karen Lawson, Louisiana USDA Public Information Officer

New Orleans is known for many special things, not the least of which is its food. That’s why Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan chose the crescent city this week to release a new report on the importance of food hubs in America. The report finds that there is an increasing demand for...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

Freezers Full of Summer

February 15, 2013 Deborah Kane, National Director, USDA Farm to School Program

It’s February and, as tends to happen every year, I’m starting to run low on frozen berries. It seems the hours upon hours I spent this summer freezing the season’s bounty weren’t enough to satisfy my family’s endless demand for berry smoothies. Every year I vow to put more berries away for use in...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Local Foods and Nutritious Diets: USDA’s 2013 Agricultural Outlook Forum

January 31, 2013 Brenda Chapin, USDA Office of the Chief Economist

Demand for local and regional foods is strong and growing, as consumers across the country are looking for healthy food options grown and raised in their own communities. USDA has long supported this effort along with the procurement of regional foods by schools and helping them increase food...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Beginning Farmers and Ranchers at a Glance

January 30, 2013 Mary Ahearn, Farm and Rural Household Well-Being Branch, Economic Research Service

USDA programs have targeted assistance to beginning farmers and ranchers since the 1992 Agricultural Credit Improvement Act. Farms or ranches are considered “beginning” if the operators have managed them for 10 years or less. The Economic Research Service has looked at the trend in numbers of...

Food and Nutrition Farming Research and Science

Small Farmers Embrace New Microloan

January 22, 2013 Tanya Brown, Writer and Editor, USDA Farm Service Agency

Every year, Dustin Schlinsog walks into the Farm Service Agency office in Neillsville, Wis., to apply for a direct operating loan to support his greenhouse operation. It’s a small loan, under $35,000. Yet, he must complete 17 pages of paperwork and meet the same requirements for farm operations...


Value-Added Grants Help Minnesota Pork Farm Meet Growing Demand

December 26, 2012 Adam Czech, Minnesota USDA Public Information Officer

“We think that fresh air and sunshine are the best health guarantee.” That’s the quote you’ll see after opening a brochure from Pastures A Plenty Farm. Spend an hour with the VanDerPol family and you quickly understand that those words are much more than just a marketing slogan. It’s the family’s...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural


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