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Showing: 871 - 880 of 1523 Results
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The President Signs the Farm Bill: "A Jobs Bill, an Innovation Bill, a Research Bill, and a Conservation Bill"

February 07, 2014 Lindsay Holst, Director of Online Content for the Office of Digital Strategy

Cross posted from the White House blog: Today, President Obama traveled to Michigan State University's equine performance center in East Lansing to deliver remarks on and sign into law the Agriculture Act of 2014 -- also known as the Farm Bill, which Congress passed earlier this week. It's a bill...

Conservation USDA Results Food and Nutrition Research and Science

Secretary's Column: Innovation for a Stronger Rural America

February 07, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Innovation is at the heart of the American agriculture success story. As a matter of course, today’s farmers and ranchers must constantly prepare and adapt to get ahead of tomorrow’s challenges. At USDA, we have a long history of fostering research and innovation that help agricultural production...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Research and Science Technology

#MyFarmBill - You Were Heard, and Thank You

February 07, 2014 Arika Trim, Office of Communications

Today, Secretary Vilsack joined the President in Michigan to sign the 2014 Farm Bill, an accomplishment that would not have been possible without your engagement. Last year we began the #MyFarmBill campaign in an effort to share with all Americans the need for a comprehensive Food, Farm and Jobs...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Farming Research and Science

Northern Plains Climate Hub Aims to Help Producers "No Matter What the Weather May Bring"

February 07, 2014 Justin Derner, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Weather dominates the conversation at local coffee shops and community gathering locations across the Northern Plains. Depending on the time of the year, I’ve heard things like this: “We sure could use rain - really dry out there. Cattle are going to have to come off the pastures soon.” Or… “Hoping...


Native Grass Project on Utah Mesa Serves as Model for Navajo Nation

February 06, 2014 Beverly Moseley, Natural Resources Conservation Service

Grasses for grazing livestock are making a comeback on Utah’s McCracken Mesa thanks to a project partnership among the Aneth Chapter of the Navajo Nation, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Known as the McCracken Mesa Rangeland Project, the Aneth...


How Does Ag Census Work?

February 06, 2014 Dr. Linda J. Young, Research and Development Division Director, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Since 1840, the U.S. government has collected important census data on agriculture. The purpose of the Census of Agriculture is to account for all U.S. farms and to summarize the characteristics of those farms and their operators at the national, state, and county levels. Today, the Census is the...


Addressing California’s Water Challenges Through Action and Collaboration

February 06, 2014 By Michael L. Connor, Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation
William W. Stelle, Jr., Regional Administrator, NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region
Ann Mills, Deputy Under Secretary for Natural Resources and Environment, USDA

Cross posted from DOI News: California is in the throes of the worst drought in the 160 years during which records have been kept. As a result, the state’s overextended water system is in crisis. All segments of California’s economy— one of the largest in the world—are experiencing the effects of...


USDA Then and Now

February 06, 2014 Amanda Eamich Nguyen, Director of Web Communications

For over a century and a half, USDA has worked alongside farmers, businesses, and community leaders to ensure USDA programs put forward the most innovative thinking to meet the changing needs of a modern agricultural landscape. Mission areas across USDA, from agricultural research to forest...

Conservation Food and Nutrition Rural Technology

USDA's Climate Hubs: Providing Targeted Solutions to Modern Challenges

February 05, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

America’s farmers, ranchers and forest landowners face a complex and ever-changing threat in the form of a changing and shifting climate. The past three years alone have brought some of the most severe and devastating floods, droughts and fires our nation has experienced in recent history. While no...


Organic Crop Insurance Is Growing in New Ways!

February 04, 2014 Brandon C. Willis, Administrator, USDA Risk Management Agency

Federal crop insurance provides the risk management tools necessary for American farmers to stay in business after a difficult crop year. They can be the difference between a farmer going under because of a lean year or having a safety net that allows them to keep farming and rebuild. These tools...



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