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Showing: 1001 - 1010 of 1523 Results
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Wetland Conservation: Good for Nature, Good for the Soul

July 08, 2013 Michelle Banks, NRCS

Maybe it’s Murry Moore’s profession as a funeral director that inspires him to put tired land to rest, but his restoration efforts of nearly 700 acres on the banks of the Obion River in western Tennessee has ensured a peaceful home for wildlife. In the early 1950s, Moore’s parents bought the tract...


Secretary's Column: The Benefits of a Climate Action Plan for Rural America

July 05, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This week, folks across the nation have come together with family and friends to celebrate America’s independence – and millions are enjoying the great outdoors. That’s why this is an appropriate time to remember that we must protect America’s natural treasures for generations to come. A changing...

Conservation Energy

10 Reasons Why Congress Must Act to Pass a Food, Farm and Jobs Bill

June 28, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Getting a Food, Farm and Jobs Bill passed this year is essential – and it can’t fall victim to politics as usual. Too much is at stake, and too many people lose out if Congress can’t act. Here are 10 good reasons why Congress must take action as soon as possible to achieve passage of a Farm Bill...

Conservation USDA Results Energy Food and Nutrition Forestry Rural Research and Science Technology Trade

NRCS Helps Provide Pollinator Habitat along S.D. Highway

June 20, 2013 Kent L Duerre, NRCS South Dakota

Employees of USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in South Dakota have a knack for seeing opportunities in the landscape. And recently, two of them initiated a highway beautification and pollinator habitat project. In 2010, Assistant State Conservationist for Field Operations Curt...


South Carolina Conservation Partnership Buzzing About Pollinators

June 18, 2013 Amy Overstreet, NRCS South Carolina

Eighty-five percent of all flowering plants depend on pollinators, like bees and bats, to reproduce. But these critical pollinators are in trouble as habitat loss, disease, parasites and environmental contaminants are causing a decline of many species, including some of the more than 4,000 species...


NRCS Helps with Reforestation Efforts on a Scarred Tribal Landscape

June 18, 2013 Beverly Moseley, NRCS

From the top of Limestone Ridge, 6,000 feet up, the scars of a massive wildfire on Arizona’s White Mountain Apache Reservation in east central Arizona are still visible. As far as the eye can see are bare mountain ranges where century-old ponderosa pines once stood. A decade ago, the Rodeo-Chediski...

Conservation Forestry

Secretary's Column: A Food Farm and Jobs Bill to Grow Local and Regional Markets

June 14, 2013 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This week, the U.S. Senate acted in bipartisan spirit to approve the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act – a balanced, comprehensive bill that will drive continued growth in rural America. The House of Representatives now has another important opportunity to stand with rural America and pass their...

Conservation USDA Results Food and Nutrition Farming

Adapting to Climate Change and Drought Risk

June 11, 2013 Steve Wallander, Resource and Rural Economics Division, Economic Research Service

Economists working on climate change spend a lot of time trying to predict how farmers are going to adapt. Without knowing how farmers will react to higher average temperatures or different rainfall patterns, we cannot accurately say what climate change will mean for the future. Farmers have many...


Water Quality Trading in the Chesapeake Bay: Partnerships for Success

June 11, 2013 Ann Mills, Acting Under Secretary for Natural Resources & Environment

The Chesapeake Bay Watershed, the largest estuary in North America, covers 64,000 square miles and includes more than 150 rivers and streams that drain into the bay. Roughly one quarter of the land in the watershed is used for agricultural production, and agricultural practices can affect the health...


Laotian Farmer Becomes National Voice for N.C. Hmong Community

June 10, 2013 Eddie Woodhouse, Public Affairs Specialist, North Carolina Farm Service Agency

It’s not a pleasant memory for Maykia Yang. Fleeing on foot from her native home of Laos at age eight and following her family to Thailand where she spent two years in a refugee camp. “My father was a soldier and worked for the CIA during the [Vietnam] war. After the CIA pulled out, the Vietnamese...



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