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Showing: 51 - 60 of 420 Results
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Celebrating Stakeholder Diversity is Essential for Success

October 12, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

On behalf of the Agricultural Marketing Service’s National Organic Program (NOP), please join us as we continue celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month. The month-long observance, that occurs every year from September 15 through October 15, celebrates the cultures and traditions of Americans...

USDA Results Trade

El Celebrar la Diversidad de Participantes es Esencial Para el Éxito

October 12, 2016 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

De parte del Programa Nacional Orgánico (NOP, por sus siglas en inglés) del Servicio de Comercialización Agrícola (AMS, por sus siglas en inglés), por favor, únase a nosotros a medida que continuamos celebrando el Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana. La observancia de un mes, realizada todos los...

USDA Results Trade

USDA Borlaug Fellow Helps Farmers in His Native Country

September 15, 2016 Jim Suits, International Program Specialist, Foreign Agricultural Service Office of Capacity Building and Development

Issah Sugri of Ghana is helping his nation feed itself and improve its farmers’ efficiency thanks to a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) program. The Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program, funded by USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS), is a...


Kenyan Credits McGovern-Dole Program for Changing His Life

September 12, 2016 Bob Ellison, Foreign Agricultural Service Public Affairs

As a young boy in eastern Kenya, Peter Mumo faced a life of poverty, hunger and illness. That is until he started receiving school meals at the age of nine through the USDA McGovern–Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program. After that, his life turned around. He started to...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition Trade

Discovering New Opportunities in Thailand - from Grains and Greens to Seafood

September 01, 2016 Phil Karsting, Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service

In mid-August, I traveled to Southeast Asia and witnessed firsthand the great strides being made to help increase food security and trade. I also came to appreciate the immense potential for future trade opportunities in the area. I returned with a reaffirmed sense of urgency to continue building...


Seed Businesses Saving Money Thanks to Canadian Trade Deal

August 26, 2016 Ernest Allen, Director, AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program's Seed Regulatory and Testing Division

Trade between nations regularly involves meeting strict government requirements that often create logistical obstacles for all parties involved. U.S. seed businesses often experience this when doing business with our cousins to the north. Canada is one of the largest importers of U.S. seed – with...


International Youth Day: NIFA Helps Provide Sustainable Youth Leadership

August 15, 2016 Lisa Lauxman, Director of the Division of Youth and 4-H, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The United Nations' celebrates International Youth every August and this year’s theme is Youth Leading Sustainability . The international recognition focuses on the leading role of young people in pursuing poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development through sustainable production and...

Initiatives Trade

Showcasing New Opportunities in the Growing Philippines Food and Beverage Market

August 11, 2016 Maria Ramona Singian, Agricultural Marketing Specialist, and Ralph Bean, Agricultural Counselor, USDA Foreign Agricultural Service

As the largest U.S. food and beverage export market in Southeast Asia and one of the fastest-growing markets in the world, the Philippines is attracting top food franchises. To showcase these new market opportunities, the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and U.S. Commercial Service offices in...


USDA Market News Reporters Know Beef

August 05, 2016 Craig A. Morris, AMS Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program Deputy Administrator

The United States is the largest beef producer and one of the largest beef exporters in the world. In order to remain competitive, our Nation’s beef producers and everyone else in the supply chain need reliable data to evaluate market conditions, identify trends, make purchasing decisions, and...


A Conversation with USDA Leader Jonathan Cordone

July 28, 2016 Helena Rudoff, USDA Office of Communications

As the Deputy Under Secretary of Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (FFAS), Jonathan Cordone leads the Department's international activities, including key responsibilities for trade policy and export assistance, as well as food aid, international economic development, and trade capacity...



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