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Has Global Agricultural Trade been Resilient under COVID-19?

May 20, 2021 Mirvat Sewadeh, Communications Director, Office of the Chief Economist

Last year, as COVID-19 rattled the world economy and disrupted trade flows, agricultural trade remained mostly stable, falling only two percent during the initial wave of infections and lockdowns, before bouncing back and ending the year up 3.5 percent. But the growth in agricultural trade doesn’t...


USDA Amplifies Farmers Voices and Concerns Over Transportation and Shipping

April 19, 2021 Secretary Tom Vilsack

Today, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) convened a meeting with representatives of U.S. agricultural products and leadership from the United States Department of Transportation (DoT) to discuss current issues surrounding shipping U.S. agricultural exports, as well as logistical and...


America’s Farmers: Resilient Throughout the COVID Pandemic

September 24, 2020 Robert Johansson, USDA Chief Economist

The disruptive impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the U.S. agricultural system have been broad and varied. And they follow several years of trying production and market conditions for U.S. farmers. In 2017 and 2018, several hurricanes pummeled U.S. farms; 2019 brought historically poor planting...

Coronavirus Farming Trade

USDA’s 2019 Agricultural Forum: Recap and Takeaways

March 19, 2019 Mirvat Sewadeh, Agricultural Outlook Forum Manager and Communications Director, USDA Office of the Chief Economist

On February 22-23, agriculture stakeholders gathered at USDA’s annual Agricultural Outlook Forum to discuss current and emerging issues affecting U.S. agricultural production and international trade.

Biotechnology Trade

Dogs as Heroes: USDA Trained Detector Dogs Help Defend American Border from Pests and Diseases

November 19, 2018 Aaliyah Essex, APHIS Public Affairs

While dogs are man’s best friend, they are also one of the most efficient friends we have in protecting American agriculture and natural resources from the threat of invasive pests. Last month a dog trained by U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)...


USDA Expert Helps Shape Global Agricultural Outlook Report

July 03, 2018 Joanna Hitchner, Oilseeds Analyst, Office of the Chief Economist, World Agricultural Outlook Board

Each year, agricultural experts from around the world gather in Paris to crunch numbers, analyze trends, and produce a 10-year global agriculture outlook report. I was among those analysts, and today, we unveiled our collective efforts in the OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2018-2027.

Trade Research and Science

AMS Sets the Gold Standard for Cotton

May 24, 2018 Darryl Earnest, Deputy Administrator, AMS Cotton & Tobacco Program and Jimmy Knowlton, Director, AMS Cotton and Tobacco Program, Standardization and Engineering Division

Despite its relatively small size and location in Memphis, Tennessee, the Agricultural Marketing Service, Standardization & Engineering Division (S&E) within the USDA Cotton & Tobacco Program (C&T) plays a giant role in both the U.S. and international cotton marketing systems.


Exporting Used Textiles Helps Global and Local Economies

May 22, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Donating used clothing to charities obviously helps clothe and employ fellow Americans, but other benefits fly below the radar: exporting worn textiles provides income to low- and middle-income foreign countries, and also helps the environment. That win-win-win situation gives new meaning to the...

Research and Science Trade

NASS Surveys Provide U.S. Agricultural Supply Data for Trade

May 17, 2018 Kevin Barnes, Associate Administrator, NASS

With May being World Trade Month, it is worth noting that the source of data to determine the U.S. supply of crops and livestock is America’s farmers and ranchers who fill out surveys from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). These statistics feed directly into the monthly World...

Research and Science Trade

Regionalization Plays a Key Role in Facilitating U.S. Agricultural Trade

May 10, 2018 Dr. Lisa Ferguson, Director of Science and Policy, APHIS Veterinary Services National Import Export Services

It’s World Trade Month and a good time to consider a few of the ways that USDA helps advance trade. USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) plays a vital role in the free flow of agricultural trade by keeping U.S. agriculture free from pests and diseases and certifying that...

Animals Trade


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