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Showing: 301 - 310 of 991 Results
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Tribal Colleges Celebrate Land-Grant Anniversary

October 19, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Nearly a quarter of a century ago, members of Congress crafted legislation that allowed us to reach an important milestone in our nation’s effort to achieve equity in research, education, and extension.

Research and Science

Market Match Means More Money, Healthful Food on the Table

October 16, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

(Note: Oct. 16 is World Food Day, when 150 countries around the world show their support of the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization’s mission to raise awareness and help to end world hunger. The following article features one USDA-supported program that helps bring healthful food to...

Food and Nutrition Research and Science

A Bacterial Reboot for Penicillin

October 09, 2018 Jan Suszkiw, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA Agricultural Research Service

The next time you stroll outside after the rain, thank the soil bacteria below for the sweet, earthy smell that fills the air.

Research and Science

NASS Gathers Feedback from Farmers and Ranchers about Their Survey Experience

October 02, 2018 Jim Barrett, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Data collected from farmers and ranchers by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) allows for timely and accurate statistics that help our customers – U.S. farmers and ranchers, among many others – make informed business decisions. These vital data also...

Research and Science

Does Where You Live Affect What You Eat?

September 28, 2018 Young Jo and Ilya Rahkovsky, Food Economics Division, Economic Research Service

Every day, we make decisions about what to eat. And what we eat plays an important role in our body weight and long-term health. Given the high obesity rates in the U.S., a growing number of researchers are asking: how important is geographic access to restaurants in people’s food choices? Some...

Research and Science

Using Energy from the Sun to Dry Pomace

September 11, 2018 Sandra Avant, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

Pomace, the heavy puree left over after fruits and vegetables are juiced and processed, is used mostly as a feed additive for livestock. The rest of the wet puree is discarded in landfills.

Energy Research and Science

No More Empty Nest: Grandparents Step in to Fill the Breach

September 04, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

The scene has played out millions of times in recent years – American children waking up to find their parents unable to care for them. Fortunately, some 2.7 million grandparents have stepped in to fill the critical role of caregiver, according to the 2010 Census.

Research and Science

NASS Economic Data Help Farmers and Those Who Support and Serve Them

August 30, 2018 Stephen Habets, Agriculture Statistician, National Agricultural Statistics Service

Working on my family’s farm in Montana as a teenager, one of the earliest lessons I learned from my father was the importance of understanding the farm finances. His lessons about maximizing profits instead of working to maximize yields have helped drive my understanding of farm economics. You could...

Research and Science

Copper May be the Key to ‘Growing’ More Land and Feeding the World

August 23, 2018 Scott Elliott, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

You know what they say about land – they’re not making any more of it. In fact, when it comes to agriculture, the amount of available farmland is shrinking. When you couple that with a world population of nearly 10 billion by 2050, it’s not unusual to ask if there will be enough food to eat.

Research and Science

Drivers of Improvements in Global Food Security

August 21, 2018 Karen Thome, Market and Trade Economics Division, Economic Research Service

In 2018, 21 percent of the 3.7 billion people in 76 low- and middle-income countries do not have access to sufficient food for an active and healthy life, i.e. not food secure. However, by 2028, only 10 percent of the projected 4.3 billion people in these countries will be food insecure.

Research and Science


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