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Showing: 291 - 300 of 991 Results
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A New Year with New Data

December 18, 2018 Teresa White, Public Affairs Specialist, USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

This time of year, I can’t help but think about cycles – everything coming full circle – from agriculture (planting through harvest) to the holiday season marking the end of one year and the start of the next. Here at USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), we are at an exciting time...

Research and Science

The Name, the Pin, and the Bee

December 13, 2018 Sarah Federman, Agricultural Science and AAAS Fellow, Office of the Chief Scientist

She leans over her dead subject and deftly pushes a pin through its body, securing it to the foam below. To be clear, this is not about a morgue or a serial killer. This is about taxonomy, or the science of identifying, classifying, and naming organisms. The woman in question is a scientist, and her...

Research and Science

Rebuilding Wet Meadows Through Shared Stewardship

November 23, 2018 Aurora Cutler, Office of Sustainability and Climate, USDA Forest Service

As another extreme drought in southwest Colorado lingers into fall, land managers continue to search for solutions to deal with severe water shortages. Low winter snow pack and record heat left much of the state scorched, and reservoirs have been far below their normal capacity since spring.

Climate Forestry Research and Science

Antimicrobial Resistance and Whole Genome Sequencing – What is Changing?

November 16, 2018 Dr. Uday Dessai, Senior Public Health Advisor, FSIS; and Dr. Glenn Tillman, Branch Chief Microbiology Characterization Branch, Eastern Laboratory, FSIS

To better understand antibiotic resistance (AMR) in bacteria, agencies within USDA, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other federal and state partners work collaboratively through the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System...

Research and Science

Antimicrobial Resistance – What does USDA Research Tell Us?

November 15, 2018 Roxann Motroni, DVM, Ph.D., ARS; Kim Cook, Ph.D., ARS; John Schmidt, Ph.D., U.S. Meat Animal Research Center

Antimicrobial Resistance or AMR occurs naturally in bacteria and AMR far predates human existence. However, AMR is a complicated issue and there are many factors that contribute to its development in agricultural environments.

Research and Science

USDA’s Role in Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance

November 13, 2018 Roxann Motron and Kim Cook, USDA Agricultural Research Service; Uday Dessai and Sheryl Shaw, USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service

Scientists from USDA developed the tools to mass produce penicillin, which was used for treating wounded soldiers over 70 years ago during World War II. Antibiotics are still important in treating microbial infection in humans, animals, and plants. However, microbes can develop resistance to some...

Animals Health and Safety Research and Science

The Pumpkin Spice Latte Farm

November 13, 2018 Jodi Letterman, NASS Pacific Region Public Affairs Specialist

Americans love Thanksgiving and all of the food that goes along with it. Who can blame us when the food is high quality and delicious? Roast turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and yeah, rivers of pumpkin spice latte will flow this season, warming hearts and filling bellies across our great country.

Farming Research and Science

The Makings of a Good Sweet Potato

November 06, 2018 Sandra Avant, Public Affairs Specialist, Agricultural Research Service

Sweet potatoes, which are native to the Americas, sustained our founding pioneers with beneficial nutrients like beta carotene, calcium, fiber, and a host of vitamins. No wonder it’s a holiday favorite, especially during Thanksgiving. But what makes a good sweet potato?

Research and Science

Happy Birthday Amber Waves!

October 31, 2018 Alex Melton, Rosanna Mentzer Morrison and Dennis Vilorio, USDA Economic Research Service

For the past decade and a half, ERS has been highlighting its research through its magazine, Amber Waves. As technology has evolved, so has Amber Waves, but the focus on bringing ERS’s latest agriculture and food research to readers in an engaging and user-friendly format has remained constant. In...

Research and Science Technology

USDA Research Progress Towards Global Food Security

October 23, 2018 Genevieve Croft, International Affairs Fellow, Office of the Chief Scientist

Most of us living in the United States are fortunate enough not to wonder where our next meal will come from. Yet across the globe, at least some time during the year, nearly 800 million people do. Not having access to stable and nutritious food sources – or food insecurity — negatively impacts...

Research and Science


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