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Showing: 1 - 10 of 20 Results
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Connecting Rural New York Communities through USDA’s ReConnect Program

August 22, 2022 Brian Murray, New York State Director, USDA Rural Development

Last year USDA Rural Development awarded more than $10 million in ReConnect Program funding to bring high-speed internet access to Madison County, New York. USDA’s ReConnect Program offers loans and grants to construct, improve, and build equipment to provide broadband service in eligible rural...

Broadband Equity Rural

RD’s ReConnect Program: Supporting Agricultural Innovation by Bridging the Digital Divide

September 02, 2020 USDA Rural Development Administrator of Rural Utilities Service Chad Rupe

Often when we think of rural broadband, we think about how internet access has revolutionized the way Americans consume media, conduct business, learn, and receive medical care via telemedicine. Over the last two decades, USDA has been making significant progress in connecting rural communities to...

Broadband Rural Technology

Oklahoma Broadband Provider Doubles Speed for Customers During Coronavirus

August 10, 2020 Chad Rupe, Administrator, Rural Utilities Services

Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, long-standing USDA Rural Development partners Pine Telephone and Pine Cellular in southeastern Oklahoma answered the call to serve their communities.

Broadband Coronavirus Rural

Wisconsin Telecommunications Cooperatives Step Up to Support E-Learning

June 23, 2020 Frank Frassetto, USDA Rural Development State Director for Wisconsin

Wisconsin students across the state adapted to the new normal with e-Learning studies since the Badger State entered the “Safer at Home” status in late March. If you live in a metro area, you probably didn’t struggle with lack of service or low bandwidth. But in the rural areas, it was a big...

Broadband Rural

Rural Distance Learning Gets a Tech Boost in Oklahoma and Texas

April 02, 2020 Chad Rupe, Administrator, Rural Utilities Services

Hilliary Communications, which serves parts of Oklahoma and Texas, has reinforced its commitment to its customers and communities with a series of upgrades in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. This is especially important since students across the state will begin distance learning on April 6 as...

Broadband Rural

Going Outdoors While Social Distancing

March 31, 2020 Kathryn Sosbe, Office of Communication, USDA Forest Service

The idiom ‘be careful what you wish for’ is likely coming to roost for those of us who love to show off 193 million acres of national forests and grasslands.

Coronavirus Forestry Recreation

Advancing Rural Broadband, The Great Task of Our Generation

March 12, 2020 Kirk Pearson, Washington State Director, USDA Rural Development

Good news rang in Washington State when I joined representatives from Mason Public Utility District (PUD) 3 at the start of USDA’s Broadband ReConnect Workshop in Seattle to celebrate a $2.4 million investment to bring high-speed broadband to 250 households and businesses in rural Mason County.

Broadband Rural

Educational Opportunities Spread with Broadband Expansion in Rural America

March 09, 2020 Hilda Legg, Kentucky State Director, USDA Rural Development

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.” I was reminded of this powerful proverb while preparing for our ReConnect program announcement. As a former teacher, education and its long-reaching benefits...

Broadband Rural

“Our People Are Our Biggest Asset:” Determined Coastal Community Stands Up for Broadband

March 06, 2020 Timothy P. Hobbs, State Director, Rural Development

The bold and rugged coast of Downeast Maine is home to a rural community of 300, where the people have made a living off the land and sea for generations. The Town of Roque Bluffs contains a state park and boasts some of the most beautiful coastline in Maine - yet it is the people who are its...

Broadband Rural

A Uniquely Alaskan Solution to Bring Broadband to an Isolated Gulf Community

January 13, 2020 Alaska Rural Development State Director Jerry Ward

Imagine building a broadband network where there are no roads to move supplies, or electrical grids to power cellular towers. Yakutat is an isolated community of about 650 tucked into a sheltered bay off the Gulf of Alaska, disconnected from the road system, and hundreds of miles from Alaska...

Broadband Rural


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