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Showing: 771 - 780 of 1398 Results
Applied Filters

Five Families in Monticello Begin Building New Homes Utilizing Rural Development Housing Funds

August 22, 2011 Katherine Belcher, KY Rural Development, Public Information Coordinator

Dozens of people gathered in Monticello, Ky., on Wednesday to break ground on a project in which five local families began the process of building their own homes. Great partnerships can lead to great projects – and this event highlighted several strategic partners that worked incredibly hard to...


Innovation Leads the Way for Farmers in Oregon

August 19, 2011 Talishia Sears, Web Communications Intern, USDA

Cross posted from the White House Rural Champions of Change website: Deborah is the Vice President of Food and Farms at Ecotrust, a non-profit organization based in Oregon.

Initiatives Conservation Food and Nutrition Rural

Spotlight on Rural America

August 19, 2011 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

Cross posted from the White House blog: Today, I am hosting a forum focused on the rural economy at the Iowa state fair. But, Rural America has been in the spotlight all this week as I joined President Obama to travel across parts of Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois, visiting rural communities to...

USDA Results Rural

FSA Administrator Reassures Drought-Stricken Producers in Texas

August 18, 2011 Brenda Carlson, Regional Public Affairs Specialist, USDA-FSA

Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Bruce Nelson traveled to South Texas last week in the midst of the historic drought impacting most of Texas and the Southwest and adversely affecting thousands of agricultural producers. Nelson took the opportunity to visit with area farmers, ranchers and...


Investing in Rural America

August 18, 2011 Matt Paul, Director of Communications, USDA

Earlier this week, President Obama along with Secretary Vilsack and members of the White House Rural Council hosted the White House Rural Economic Forum in Peosta, Iowa where the President announced new jobs initiatives focused on increasing access to capital, job training and health care services...

USDA Results Rural

Minority Farmers and Stakeholders Offer Ideas to Improve USDA Programs and Delivery

August 15, 2011 David Glasgow, Public Affairs Specialist, Tennessee Rural Development

One ag-educator expressed the feelings of many at the first meeting of the USDA Advisory Committee on Minority Farmers when he concluded, “This meeting is a progressive step in the right direction. USDA should be commended for doing this, and should convene this kind of public forum more often.” A...

Food and Nutrition Rural

Final Countdown for 2011 Feds Feed Families Campaign

August 12, 2011 Katie Yocum, Northeast Region Coordinator, Rural Development, with assistance from Mike Boyle, Iowa Rural Development and Cindy O’Grady, New Jersey Rural Development

Today, Secretary Vilsack announced that, during the month of July, USDA employees donated more than 270,000 pounds of canned goods and fresh produce to feed families across the country as part of the Feds Feed Families food drive! That means USDA employees have worked together to donate more than...

Food and Nutrition Rural

Bridgewater College Dedicates New “Green” Student Housing

August 11, 2011 Vern Orrell, Assistant to the State Director-VA Rural Development U. S. Department of Agriculture

On a beautiful summer morning, more than 200 Bridgewater faculty, staff, students and local residents celebrated the completion of a $14 million dollar student housing project on the rural campus of Bridgewater College. The new “Stone Village” as named by the college for its past President, Mr...


Kentucky Rural Development Celebrates BIG Opportunities and Job Creation

August 10, 2011 Tom Fern, Kentucky State Director, USDA Rural Development

Job creation in rural America begins with local leaders, a vision for improving the local economy and then bringing together financing partners to make the vision a reality. I had the honor of joining Congressman Hal Rogers and representatives from Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul’s offices...


Rural Champion Works with Producers and USDA to Spur Biomass Production

August 09, 2011 Talishia Sears, Web Communications Intern

Cross posted from the White House Rural Champions of Change website: When the gasoline additive MTBE was banned in 2006 and ethanol was its only practical replacement, Eric as a corn farmer, became very interested in joining with other farmers to build a corn ethanol plant.

Energy Trade Rural Research and Science


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