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Showing: 651 - 660 of 1398 Results
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State Director Maxine Moul Showcases Energy Efficiency Projects

March 30, 2012 Vicki Schurman, Nebraska’s Rural Development Public Affairs Specialist

Nebraska news media, including local daily and weekly newspapers and radio stations around the state highlighted the energy tour conducted by U SDA Rural Development Nebraska State Director Maxine Moul on March 23. She met with three Nebraska businesses that were assisted through the Rural Energy...

Energy Rural

USDA Official Marks State Tribal Relations Day in South Dakota

March 27, 2012 Christine Sorensen, Rural Development Coordinator

The South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations hosted State Tribal Relations Day at the South Dakota Capitol on Monday, March 19, 2012. South Dakota USDA Rural Development State Director Elsie Meeks took part in the day; attending the Tribal Listening Session and ceremony. Meeks was impressed by...


Minnesota Senior Living Facility Leads to Job Creation, Improved Healthcare Service

March 26, 2012 Adam Czech, Minnesota USDA Public Affairs Specialist

Dr. Steven Mulder can’t enter Harmony River Living Center in rural Minnesota without smiling. The CEO and president of Hutchinson Area Health Care wore an especially large smile during a dedication ceremony for the new senior living facility in late February. “When we broke ground, we imagined what...


The Legend Grows - South Dakota Seed Company Saves Big Bucks with Biomass

March 23, 2012 USDA South Dakota Rural Development Area Specialist Darlene Bresson

As the team at Legend Seeds of De Smet, South Dakota, gears up for spring and the 2012 growing season, they do so from a newly-constructed, state-of-the-art facility, located just east of their former space on Highway 14. The new office, seed lab and expanded warehouse space were designed to better...

Energy Rural

USDA Deputy Under Secretary Outlines Blueprint for Jobs, Economic Growth

March 23, 2012 Deputy Under Secretary Doug O’Brien, USDA Rural Development

Calling all local officials and entrepreneurs! Imagine high-tech, well paying jobs coming to rural America. It’s not impossible and in fact it’s already happening. A recent webinar entitled “An American Economy Built to Last: Advanced Manufacturing in Rural America” and hosted by USDA’s Rural...

USDA Results Rural

Streamlined Option to USDA-Financed Home Owners in Arizona, New Jersey and 17 Other States

March 23, 2012 New Jersey Rural Development State Director Howard Henderson and Arizona Public Information Officer Dianna Jennings

In today’s housing market downturn, New Jersey and Arizona are fortunate to have been selected as two of the 19 states to participate in the USDA Guaranteed Single Family Housing Refinance Pilot Program. In New Jersey, many homeowners are struggling to make ends meet especially with high interest...


Deputy Under Secretary Cheryl Cook Announces Obama Administration Accomplishments Supporting Renewable Energy

March 22, 2012 Dawn Knepp, USDA Pennsylvania Public Information Officer

The sun shone brightly on the 896 panel solar array at Heidel Hollow Farm in Germansville, Penn., as USDA Rural Development Deputy Under Secretary Cheryl L. Cook, other USDA officials and guests celebrated the farm’s successful renewable energy project and the announcement of a new USDA Renewable...

Energy Rural

USDA, Other Federal Agencies Join Together to Help an Iowa Community

March 16, 2012 Bill Menner, USDA Rural Development Iowa State Director

Mention to folks that federal agencies work well together and you may receive reactions of disbelief. Sometimes the federal employees, themselves, don’t believe it. But there was a roomful of believers at a recent USDA Rural Roundtable held in Ogden, Iowa. I held more than 40 roundtables across...


Value Added Producer Grants Promote Improvements to Vermont Dairy, New Hampshire Sausage Operations

March 16, 2012 Sherry Paige, Vermont/New Hampshire Business & Cooperative Program Specialist

It was a snow day in New England, but up in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, in the little town of Hardwick, several people were gathered at the VT Food Venture Center, a local food incubator, to sign USDA Value Added Grant papers for the new businesses they are starting up. The Michaud family of...


USDA, HUD and Pennsylvania Housing Agency Agree to Streamline Rental Financing

March 15, 2012 Dawn Knepp, Pennsylvania Rural Development Public Information Coordinator

In a step forward in the Obama Administration’s desire to streamline government policies and build stronger inter-agency partnerships, USDA Rural Development, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) jointly announced the launch of a...



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