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International School Meals Day 2014: Celebrating the Importance of Nutrition, Health and Learning Worldwide

March 06, 2014 Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Visiting schools around the country to discuss the importance of health and nutrition with students and educators is one of the favorite parts of my job. Today, I had the opportunity to share these nutrition messages globally! On this day, USDA recognized the second annual International School Meals...

Food and Nutrition

Opportunities for Local Foods Expanding In Iowa

March 06, 2014 Bill Menner, USDA Rural Development State Director, Iowa

All across the country local and regional food systems provide a wealth of opportunities for rural residents. They provide opportunities for farmers, ranchers, and producers to meet growing customer demand for local foods. Local food entrepreneurs are starting to start small businesses like food...

Food and Nutrition Farming Rural

USDA Publications Shine on Government Bookstore Bestseller List

March 04, 2014 Kathryn Sosbe, Office of Communication, U.S. Forest Service

The U.S. Government Bookstore, the place where you can buy the 2014 Counterterrorism Calendar for $20 or a loose-leaf copy of the Export Administration Regulation 2013 edition for $199, released its list of best-selling publications for 2013 that includes several items published by the U.S...

Food and Nutrition Forestry

School Breakfast Week, International School Meals Day Kick off National Nutrition Month

March 04, 2014 Audrey Rowe, Administrator, USDA Food and Nutrition Service

To kickoff National Nutrition Month, USDA is again celebrating National School Breakfast Week (March 3 – 7) to support the health and well-being of our nation’s children. National Nutrition Month is the perfect time to highlight the essential role nutrition plays in sustaining healthier lives. A...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Celebrates National Nutrition Month and Highlights Efforts to Promote a #HealthierNextGen

March 03, 2014 Brooke Hardison, USDA Office of Communications

Today, as we mark the beginning of National Nutrition Month and the start of National School Breakfast Week, and throughout this month, USDA will be highlighting the work of our programs and partner organizations that support a healthier next generation by improving childhood nutrition and reducing...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

Enhanced School Wellness Environments Make the Smart Choice the Easy Choice for a Healthier Next Generation

February 28, 2014 Dr. Janey Thornton, Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services

Given that many children today eat two meals a day at school, it’s vital that we make every effort to ensure that they have access to the healthy foods they need and the knowledge to make healthy choices. The proposed school wellness policy guidelines and the expansion of community eligibility...

Food and Nutrition

Secretary's Column: Another Step Forward Towards a Healthier Next Generation

February 28, 2014 Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack

This week at USDA, we took several steps forward in the fight for a healthier future for our nation’s children. On Tuesday, we rolled out new proposed guidelines that will make sure only healthy foods and beverages are allowed to be marketed to kids at school. The new guidelines will ensure that...

Initiatives Food and Nutrition

USDA Then and Now: Part IV

February 27, 2014 Rebecca Frank, USDA Office of Communications

Thanks for tuning in this month to our installments of USDA Then and Now photo series on the amazing innovations that have helped rural America grow and respond to a constantly evolving agricultural landscape. Here you can see Part I, Part II, and Part III. In our fourth and final Then and Now, we...

Conservation Initiatives Food and Nutrition Research and Science Technology

Organic 101: Ensuring Organic Integrity through Inspections

February 26, 2014 Miles McEvoy, Deputy Administrator of the National Organic Program

This is the fifteenth installment of the Organic 101 series that explores different aspects of the USDA organic regulations. USDA certified organic products are produced and sold around the world, many originating from over 17,700 organic operations right here in the United States. The USDA organic...

Food and Nutrition

MyPlate Celebrates the 4th Anniversary of Let's Move

February 24, 2014 Jackie Haven, Acting Executive Director, USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

Four years ago, the First Lady launched Let’s Move!, to help Americans create a healthier future. To celebrate, First Lady Michelle Obama is asking individuals, families and communities to Show Us How You Move! Use the hashtag #LetsMove to share the steps you’re taking to live healthier. From...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives


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