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Showing: 1411 - 1420 of 2126 Results
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Introducing the Regional Food Hub Guide: An Innovative Tool for Growing Local Food Systems

April 25, 2012 Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan

What can farmers and ranchers do if they’re interested in selling locally but don’t have the resources to run their own trucks, processing plants or marketing strategies? What can institutional buyers, --like schools, hospital and retailers -- do to offer more local food to their customers? A...

Food and Nutrition

USDA Announces New Farm to School Program to Improve the Health and Nutrition of Kids Receiving School Meals

April 24, 2012 Deborah Kane, National Director, U. S. Department of Agriculture

Cross posted from the Let's Move! blog: Last week USDA released a new farm to school grant program designed to help give children a sense of where their food comes from and increase the availability of local foods in schools. Joined by students at Southern High School in Harwood, MD, as well as...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Food and Nutrition Service Heeds the Blueprint for Cost Savings

April 23, 2012 Audrey Rowe, FNS Administrator

In the three months since Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced USDA’s “ Blueprint for Stronger Service,” the Food and Nutrition Service has continued to develop cost-saving and efficient strategies that will save taxpayers money and streamline operations. The “Blueprint for Stronger Service”...

Food and Nutrition

How to Get Summer Food PSAs on Your Local Radio Station

April 23, 2012 Jimmy Nguyen, Food and Nutrition Service

Most kids cannot wait for school to let out in June. However, for some parents and other caretakers, when school is out for summer, they begin to worry about how they will feed their children a nutritious breakfast or lunch. USDA's Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) fills this summer meal gap for...

Food and Nutrition

Todos en la Mesa: Making Room for Everyone at the Table

April 19, 2012 Roxana Ulloa Barillas, MPP, Deputy Director, Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

During a recent visit to Southern California, I met with key partners in USDA’s efforts to address hunger and make nutritious food affordable and available, particularly in low-income communities. More than one out of four Latino families in the United States is food insecure, and many do not know...

Food and Nutrition Initiatives

Fresh from the Garden

April 18, 2012 Audrey Rowe, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Administrator

I get to learn about a lot of great local initiatives when I make visits around the country. On a recent trip to Dallas, I visited Metrocrest Social Services, a community resource agency in Farmers Branch, Texas, that provides services to families in crisis and helps them make plans for the future...

Food and Nutrition

Community Baby Cafés: A Great Benefit for Moms, Children and Families

April 11, 2012 Audrey Rowe, USDA Food and Nutrition Service, Administrator

As Administrator of the Food and Nutrition Service, I know that our 15 nutrition assistance programs help a wide variety of people around the country. But there’s nothing like getting out of the office to personally witness the boots on the ground efforts by those who administer and promote our...

Food and Nutrition

Eggstra! Eggstra! Learn All About Them

April 06, 2012 Rex Barnes, AMS Poultry Program Deputy Administrator

EDITOR’S NOTE: The standards covered by this 2012 blog have been updated. Read our updated cage-free standards & egg infographic: Whether you prepare them for Easter dinner or as part of a Passover Seder Plate...

Food and Nutrition

Apply to Make a Difference: Farmers Market Promotion Program Grants Available

April 05, 2012 Arthur Neal, Deputy Administrator, AMS Transportation and Marketing Program

Every day, thousands of local farmers and ranchers work hard to ensure that their communities have access to a diverse range of fresh, healthy affordable foods. While nutritious food is a cornerstone of society’s physical health, a vibrant community also includes sustainable economic opportunities...

Food and Nutrition Farming

Let All Who Are Hungry Come and Eat: A Food and Justice Seder at USDA

April 05, 2012 Max Finberg, Director, Faith Based and Community Initiatives

Just ahead of the official start of Passover this Friday at sunset, the U.S. Department of Agriculture hosted its second Food and Justice Passover Seder. The traditional Jewish seder commemorates the Passover holiday and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. USDA’s symbolic seder, held in...

Food and Nutrition


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