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Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)

  This program may have additional incentives or benefits for those who are underserved. Learn more about our terminology.


Provides technical and financial assistance to address natural resource concerns and carry out on-farm conservation practices and activities that lead to improved water and air quality, conserved ground and surface water, increased soil health and reduced soil erosion and sedimentation, improved or created wildlife habitat, and mitigation against drought and increasing weather volatility

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Technical and financial assistance, up to 75% or 90% of incurred costs, for activities that solve on-farm resource concerns Farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners who own or rent agricultural land Visit


EQIP covers up to 75% incurred costs and 100% of the lost income of certain conservation practices and activities (e.g. cross wind ridges and range planting)


Eligible applicants:

  • Must be a farmer, rancher, and/or forest landowner who owns or rents agricultural land

Eligible types of agricultural operations:

  • All types of agricultural operations, including conventional and organic, specialty or commodity crop, forestry, or livestock operations


Applications are accepted on a continuous basis, but you should apply by state-specific ranking dates to be considered for the current funding cycle, . To do this, contact your local NRCS office to:

  • Find application ranking dates for your state
  • See payment schedules for your state
  • Access the application


  • USDA staff will help eligible producers develop an EQIP plan of operations, which will become the basis of the proposal for financial assistance. Proposals are ranked on factors such as environmental benefits and cost effectiveness and the highest-ranking proposals are offered contracts first. View your State’s EQIP page to see ranking factors.
  • Payment rates for conservation practices are reviewed and set each fiscal year
  •  Provides up to 90% of the costs and 100% of lost income for historically underserved producers and certain high priority practices 
  •  Provides historically underserved producers with advance payments of at least 50% of the cost needed to purchase materials or contracting services to begin installation of approved conservation practices


Apply at your local USDA Service Center



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Page last updated: May 2, 2023