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Contact the Hearing Clerk's Office

USDA Whitten building

The Hearing Clerk's Office (HCO) is responsible for maintaining and archiving the formal record in proceedings brought before the Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) and the Office of the Judicial Officer (OJO). The HCO serves pleadings, submissions, and decisions and orders upon parties, and certifies the formal record of proceedings to federal courts upon appeal.

Caroline Hill, Hearing Clerk

Hours for Filing: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Eastern)


Office of the Hearing Clerk
United States Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Stop 9203, Room 1031, South Building
Washington, DC 20250-9203

Phone: (202) 720-4443
Fax: (844) 325-6940

Email for Filings:

For information and/or documents relating to a case, you may submit a written request to the HCO via email, fax, or regular mail (see contact information above).

All requests shall include the following:

  • Name of requester;
  • Docket number, if known;
  • Requester's relationship to docket (i.e. party or counsel);
  • Requester's contact information (mailing address; email address; telephone number; fax number);
  • Description of information/documents being requested; and
  • If requesting copies of documents, preferred method of delivery (mail; email; fax).

Please note that information and documents relating to a case will not be provided to individuals nor entities not affiliated with the case. Please visit the USDA FOIA website  to make a formal request for information or documents under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).


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