Inventory of USDA Artificial Intelligence Use Cases
Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to drive the growth of the United States economy and improve the quality of life of all Americans. Executive Order (EO) 13960, Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government, directed federal agencies to inventory their Artificial Intelligence (AI) use cases and share their inventories with other government agencies and the public. As stated in the Executive Order, federal applications of Artificial Intelligence should benefit the US economy and improve the quality of life of all Americans. As such, the growing adoption of AI must coincide with the launch of practices that ensure AI is deployed in a manner that fosters public trust and protects the rights and values of the American people.
In alignment with Executive Order (13960) of December 8, 2020, the Department of Agriculture has prepared an inventory of its use cases of artificial intelligence including current and planned uses, consistent with the agency's mission. The link below summarizes those AI use cases.
USDA AI Inventory (updated December 2024)