The FSIS FoodKeeper app is an easy way for consumers to keep their food safe by providing valuable advice on storing foods and beverages to maximize freshness and minimize food waste. By helping users understand food storage, the app empowers consumers to select methods that extend shelf life and keep items fresh longer than if they were not properly stored. The app is available for Android and Apple devices.
How FoodKeeper’s Data Gets to You
In 2016, the application was updated to include more than 400 food and beverage items that are available in an online data feed. Each time a user opens the FoodKeeper app, it will check the data feed for updates.
This data is not only available for the FoodKeeper app, but it is open to the public on FSIS.gov and Data.gov. Those interested in using the information for their own purposes can download the data feed, and find specific storage and cooking guidance on hundreds of items, including various types of baby food, dairy products, eggs, meat, poultry, produce, seafood and more. The data also includes user storage timelines for the refrigerator, freezer and pantry.
Open Data at FSIS USDA
Providing access to the FoodKeeper data feed is one example of how FSIS publishes data in machine readable formats and promotes access to information anywhere, anytime, on any device. Upcoming enhancements to the app will provide access to FSIS product recall announcements so users will know immediately when recalls are issued. This information is already available on FSIS.gov in the form of automated emails and an RSS feed.
If you would like to use the FoodKeeper but don’t have a smartphone or tablet, visit FoodSafety.gov.