Wellington Cardoso, an undergraduate student from Brazil, arrived in Auburn, Ala., this past January to begin an internship with the U.S. Forest Service Southern Research Station where he’s been studying a biomass harvesting operation.
“The research unit has been examining harvesting technologies for short rotation woody crops,” said Dana Mitchell, project leader of the Forest Operations research unit, which is hosting Cardoso. “Cardoso’s internship ends in July, and he has been able to witness field operations in action.”
Cardoso is from Salesópolis, Brazil, a town of approximately 16,000 people. “The town is small, but I am honored to say that the Tietê River is born there,” says Cardoso, who is a senior forestry student at the University of São Paulo. “My first class at the university was with Dr. Fernando Seixas. He introduced me to the forest universe.”
Seixas also encouraged Cardoso to contact Mitchell about possible internships.
“I was very nervous to talk to her,” said Cardoso. “But once I found out about Dr. Mitchell’s research in biomass harvesting systems I became very excited, because the field is so interesting.”
“Cardoso introduced himself to me through email back in May, 2013,” says Mitchell. “We discussed a program of study, and worked with the U.S. Forest Service International Programs to complete the required paperwork.”
“I’m also a fan of American football,” says Cardoso. “I was disappointed to find out that Auburn football doesn’t start until August, but I did get to see the Super Bowl!”