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Calling All Students: Enter the Ending Childhood Hunger Video Contest!

September 15, 2011 at 2:00 PM
Two elementary school students enjoy a safe and nutritious meal through USDA’s National School Lunch Program.
Two elementary school students enjoy a safe and nutritious meal through USDA’s National School Lunch Program.

We often talk about how important it is for different groups including schools, nonprofits, corporations, faith communities, and others to work together end childhood hunger.  Many times children and youth are left off that list, but not today! This is your chance to get involved. We’re calling on all students, grades 1-12, to answer the question: How can you help to end childhood hunger in your community?

We’re looking for inspiring student-created videos of 2 minutes or less that show creative ways that you’re tackling the problem of childhood hunger.  This can be something you’re already doing or an idea that would help end childhood hunger, even if you haven’t put your plan into action quite yet. We’ll review all of your submissions here at USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service and then the finalists will be on the Web for a public vote. This is your chance to motivate students all across the nation to join the fight against childhood hunger. Winning videos will be featured on the Food and Nutrition Service website and on a national webinar.

We want to see all of your ideas in action. For example, we’d love to see videos that teach other students about nutrition, that promote school breakfast and school lunch programs, show your work with local food banks or other anti-hunger organizations, or even how you can work with  local officials, organizations, schools, or businesses to help end childhood hunger. The sky’s the limit! So get busy! Remember, we want to learn how YOU will end childhood hunger.

The contest submission period begins September 15, 2011 and runs until October 21, 2011.

Please check for all the details, read the rules, and enter the contest by visiting


One central entry point for you to access information and help from USDA.