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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on the House Agriculture Committee's Approval of the Food Farm and Jobs Bill


WASHINGTON, July 12, 2012 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today made the following statement regarding the House Agriculture Committee's approval of the Food Farm and Jobs Bill:

"Americans deserve a farm and jobs bill that reforms the safety net for producers in times of need, promotes the bio-based economy, conserves our natural resources, strengthens rural communities, promotes job growth in rural America, and supports food assistance to low-income families.

Unfortunately, the bill produced by the House Agriculture Committee contains deep cuts in SNAP, including a provision that will deny much-needed food assistance to 3 million Americans, mostly low-income working families with children as well as seniors. The proposed cuts will deny 280,000 children in low-income families access to school meals and reduce farm income across rural America. These cuts wouldn't just leave Americans hungry – they would stunt economic growth. The bill also makes misguided reductions to critical energy and conservation program efforts.

As the legislative process moves forward, the Administration will continue to seek policy solutions and savings across the Farm Bill that are consistent with the President's Budget."


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