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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Departure of Rural Utilities Service Administrator Jonathan Adelstein


WASHINGTON, September 14, 2012 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today made the following statement on the departure of USDA Rural Utilities Service Administrator Jonathan Adelstein:

"I want to thank Jonathan Adelstein for his service to the Obama Administration and to rural America as Administrator of the USDA Rural Utilities Service. During his three years at USDA, he helped make significant investments through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and this work will strengthen rural America for decades to come. Under Jonathan's leadership, USDA expanded broadband access for nearly seven million Americans and 365,000 rural businesses, provided more than 5,500 grants and loans to modernize rural water and waste systems, and strengthened rural telecommunications services. Our country will also benefit from a stronger and more reliable electric grid – more than 91,000 miles of new and upgraded electric line, along with deployment of smart grid technology across America and new renewable energy systems that are saving enough energy to power nearly 600,000 American homes for a year. Including his service here, Jonathan has contributed more than 25 years to public service and I wish him well."

Adelstein will leave USDA effective September 15, 2012, and John Padalino, has been designated Acting Administrator.


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