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Press Release

Statement by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Passing of Employee John Lydon


WASHINGTON, October 22, 2012 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today made the following statement on the passing of USDA employee John Lydon:

"I was saddened late last week to learn of the death of Dr. John Lydon, who passed away from injuries sustained in a car crash while in the line of duty. Over the course of his many years of service to USDA's Agricultural Research Service, Dr. Lydon was a dedicated Federal scientist who contributed a great deal for America's crop production efforts. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dr. Lydon's family. I have pledged to his wife, Mrs. Martina Lydon – who serves with USDA at the National Agricultural Library – that she has my support and the full support of the USDA family during this difficult time. We wish a quick recovery to Dr. Joel Siegel, an ARS employee who was injured in the crash."


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