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Press Release

USDA's Amber Waves Magazine Releases App for Digital Devices


WASHINGTON, February 21 — The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) today announced a new mobile application to bring its widely-read Amber Waves magazine to readers via their digital devices. Launched earlier today at USDA's 89th annual Agricultural Outlook Forum in Arlington, Va., the Amber Waves app ensures that the magazine's data-rich content will be accessible anytime and anywhere to those handling tablets and, eventually, other digital devices.

The Amber Waves app is downloadable free to the bookshelves of iPads through iTunes and Android tablets through Google Play. The magazine will arrive on bookshelves quarterly.

Produced by ERS and geared to general-interest readers, Amber Waves covers the full range of the agency's research and analysis on the food sector, agriculture, rural America, and the environment. Since its launch in 2003, the magazine has evolved with the addition of podcasts, RSS feeds, and social media content. Find the app along with the latest issue of Amber Waves at the mobile-friendly site,

As the agency's flagship publication, Amber Waves contains articles by ERS researchers and their collaborators.

ERS is the main source of economic information and research from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The mission of ERS is to inform and enhance public and private decision-making on economic and policy issues related to agriculture, food, natural resources, and rural development. To accomplish this mission, highly trained economists and social scientists develop and distribute a broad range of economic and other social science information and analysis.


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