WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2013—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the appointment of 10 members to the National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics (NAREEE) Advisory Board.
The Federal Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act of 1996 authorized the creation of the NAREEE Advisory Board, which is composed of 25 members and operates under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Research, Education, and Economics (REE) Mission Area.
Each NAREEE Advisory Board member represents a specific area of expertise related to agriculture. These areas include farming, ranching, food production and processing, forestry research, crop and animal science, land-grant institutions, non-land grant college or university with a historic commitment to research in the food and agricultural sciences, food retailing and marketing, rural economic development, and natural resource and consumer interest groups, and others.
The following members were appointed for a 2 to 3-year term effective January 19, 2013:
- Ralph Paige, a member of the National Family Farmers Coalition and the Executive Director of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund, has been re-appointed to represent National Farm Organizations.
- Wathina Luthi, farmer/rancher, Luthi Farms in Gage, Okla., will represent Food Animal Commodity Producers.
- Jeremy Liley, a member of the National Aquaculture Association and the President and Aquatic Biologist for Liley Fisheries and Aquatic Consulting based in Boulder, Colo., has been appointed to a vacant member position to represent National Aquaculture Associations.
- Dr. Patsy M. Brannon, RD, a member of the American Society for Nutrition and a Professor / Nutritionist with Cornell University, will represent National Human Health Associations.
- Dr. Charles Boyer, the Dean of the Jordan College of Agriculture and Technology at California State University – Fresno, has been re-appointed to represent Non-Land Grant Colleges or Universities with a Historic Commitment to Research in Food and Agricultural Sciences.
- Prof. Agnes Mojica, Chancellor of the San Germán Campus of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico, will represent Hispanic-Serving Institutions.
- Leo A. Holt, the President of Holt Logistics Corp. based in Philadelphia, Penn., has been re-appointed to represent Transportation of Food and Agricultural Products to Domestic and Foreign Markets.
- Dr. Nancy M. Childs, associated with the Institute of Food Technologists as well as the Food Marketing Institute, and Professor of Food Marketing and Gerald E. Peck Fellow with Saint Joseph's University - Haub School of Business - Dept. of Food Marketing, has been re-appointed to represent Food Retailing and Marketing Interests.
- Julia Sabin, the Vice President of Industry and Government Affairs for The J.M. Smucker Company based in Orrville, Ohio, will represent Food and Fiber Processors.
- Dr. Steven P. Hamburg, the Chief Scientist with the Environmental Defense Fund, has been re-appointed to represent Private Sector Organizations involved in International Development.
The Advisory Board provides advice to the Secretary of Agriculture and land-grant colleges and universities on top priorities and policies for food and agricultural research, education, extension and economics. More information is available at http://nareeeab.ree.usda.gov/.
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