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Press Release

Agriculture Secretary Visits San Diego Summer Meals Site; Calls on Communities to Help Ensure Children Have Access to Healthy Food Year Round


SAN DIEGO, April 18, 2013 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today highlighted the problem of increased childhood hunger during months when school is not in session. At an event at Colina Del Sol Recreation Center, he called on communities across the country to partner with USDA's Summer Food Service Program to ensure that no child goes hungry when school is out. Vilsack reiterated the vital role of partners in reaching eligible children and their families and challenged them to help USDA serve 5 million more meals this summer.

"When school lets out, millions of low-income children no longer get a healthy breakfast or lunch, but USDA's summer meals program helps to fill that gap and is an invaluable investment in the future of America's children," said Vilsack. "Poor nutrition during the summer months can have a negative impact on a child's health, as well as their academic performance during the school year. Communities across the nation can work with us to ensure that all children have access to healthy foods, all year long."

In order to reach more eligible children, USDA is working with local governments, faith and community groups, and various partners to fill the summer meals gap. USDA is providing intensive technical assistance to expand the reach of the program in California, as well as four other states (Arkansas, Colorado, Rhode Island and Virginia) due to high levels of rural or urban food insecurity and historically low program participation rates.

Vilsack applauded the work of the Colina Del Sol Recreation Center, which partners with the San Diego Unified School District to provide meals to children in need during the summer, as well as throughout the intersession periods for year-round schools.

USDA's summer meals programs operate through partnerships between USDA, state agencies and local organizations. Local sponsors, such as schools, local government agencies, faith-based and nonprofit community organizations, and residential and non-residential camps provide free meals and activities to eligible low-income children during the summer months. In 2012, USDA's partners served 144 million summer meals at 38,800 sites, feeding approximately 2.3 million children on a typical summer day. For more information on becoming a SFSP sponsor or site, visit To find a site in your community, call 1-866-3-Hungry or 1-877-8-Hambre.

USDA is focused on improving childhood nutrition and empowering families to make healthier food choices by providing science-based information and advice, while expanding the availability of healthy food.

  • USDA is making fresh fruits and vegetables more accessible for low-income families. More than 3,200 farmers markets and farm stands are now authorized to accept payment through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), an increase of nearly 100 percent since 2010.

USDA continues working with First Lady Michelle Obama on the Let's Move! initiative, which is helping to promote healthy eating and physical activity while supporting the health of American families. Through the combined efforts of USDA and its partners, the United States is beginning to see progress and improvements in the health of our Nation's children.


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