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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on National Agriculture Day


WASHINGTON, March 25, 2014—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement:

"Today and every day, we celebrate the extraordinary diversity and productivity of American agriculture. Farms and ranches of all forms and all sizes contribute to the safe, healthy, affordable food supply we enjoy in the United States.

Fittingly, Dr. Norman Borlaug is honored today with a statue at the U.S. Capitol, joining an array of American heroes commemorated in the National Statuary Hall. Dr. Borlaug's statue reflects not only the magnitude of his own achievements, but the power of science to change lives in a positive way.

Dr. Borlaug's legacy influences our work at USDA to equip the next generation of researchers and agricultural leaders with the sophisticated tools they'll need to address the challenges of a changing climate and a growing global population.

On this National Agriculture Day, we thank the farmers, ranchers, and others at the heart of American agriculture, an industry that provides for our food and fiber needs, supports one in twelve jobs, and drives our nation's economy."


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