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Press Release

Statement from Secretary Vilsack Celebrating Central State University's New Status as an 1890 Land-Grant Institution


WILBERFORCE, OHIO, October 7, 2014 — U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack today gave remarks at an event celebrating Central State University's designation as an 1890 Land-Grant Institution. Central State University received the designation in the 2014 Farm Bill, signed in February.

Secretary Vilsack made the following statement:

"From the farm fields of rural America, to the factories and businesses in our cities, every American stands to benefit from a land-grant university system made stronger by the inclusion of Central State University. As a historically black university with a strong record of academics, research, and service to Ohio families and underserved communities, Central State University brings their unique perspective to the Land- Grant University system. As an 1890 Land-Grant Institution, the University will now have access to expanded resources. I am pleased that Central State University has new help to build on its record of success as it joins the more than 100 other land-grant institutions across the country to address the challenge of finding new and improved ways to feed, clothe, and shelter all people, all around the world."


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