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Press Release

Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on the Passing of Pearlie Reed


WASHINGTON, April 11, 2016 — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement on the passing of Pearlie S. Reed, former USDA Assistant Secretary for Administration:

"I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Pearlie Reed. Pearlie began his long and distinguished career at USDA in 1968 as a student trainee in his native Arkansas with the Soil Conservation Service. He rose to become Chief of that very agency, after it became known as the Natural Resources Conservation Service. In his 35 years of public service at USDA, Pearlie's work in conservation impacted the lives of many, and his leadership in the management of the Department to modernize our services and to help build a new era for civil rights has left a meaningful legacy. My thoughts and prayers are with Pearlie's loved ones during this difficult time."


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