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Actuality: USDA Urges Increased Awareness of Avalanche Safety

00:00:41.508   2021-02-12   
The Forest Service's national avalanche specialist, Simon Trautman, stresses that more work needs to be done to raise awareness for avalanche safety. EDS: Find out more information at

World Rice Situation Includes More Rice for Livestock Feed

00:00:59.533   2021-02-12   
World rice production could set a new record this year. Some of that rice may be going into feeding livestock. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Examples of How a Farm Bill Benefits Consumers as Well as Producers

00:01:00.395   2021-02-12   
A Farm Bill, like the one to be crafted for 2023, contains more than farm programs, and in fact, has several offerings that benefits consumers as well. (Rod Bain. Bill Gordon of the American Soybean Association. Dale Moore of the American Farm Bureau Federation.)

Building Upon a Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine Bank

00:00:59.585   2021-02-12   
What do some industry stakeholders believe should happen to build upon a national foot and mouth disease vaccine bank developed through the 2018 Farm Bill? (Rod Bain. Allison Rivera of the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. Liz Wagstrom of the National Pork Producers Council.)

Pollinators, Turf Grass, and Pesticide Best Management Practices

00:01:00.186   2021-02-12   
A variety of pollinators live in and around turf lawns and golf courses, prompting consideration of best management practices if or when pesticide application must take place. (Rod Bain and Terri Billeisen of North Carolina State University Extension)

Verifying Where Food Comes From

00:01:00.264   2021-02-12   
With increased consumer demand about food's origins and path to their plate, third-party verification of food claims is becoming more utilized by producers and processors. (Rod Bain and Doug Stanton)

USDA Raises Forecasts for Corn Exports and Prices

00:01:00.107   2021-02-11   
The already bright prospects for U.S. corn exports and prices are getting a little brighter. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Wheat Prices Keep Exceeding Expectations

00:01:00.212   2021-02-11   
Wheat prices continue to exceed expectations. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Will Higher Wheat Prices Break the Yearly Trend of Record Low Plantings?

00:00:58.383   2021-02-11   
Will these high wheat prices finally cause producers to reverse the long term trend of lower and lower wheat plantings? (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

There are More Than 570 Tribal Nations in this Country

00:00:59.977   2021-02-11   
How many Tribal Nations are there in this country? (Stephanie Ho and Heather Dawn Thompson, Director, USDA Office of Tribal Relations)

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