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Actuality: Keep Pet Cats Inside When It's Severely Cold Outside

00:00:27.010   2021-02-22   
Dr. Autumn Unk, USDA Veterinarian, says cats can be seriously hurt from exposure to very cold temperatures or from seeking warmth under the hoods of cars.

USDA is Seeking Voluntary Climate-Smart Efforts

00:00:59.898   2021-02-19   
USDA is seeking voluntary climate-smart efforts that will benefit the agricultural and forestry communities. (Stephanie Ho and Robert Bonnie, USDA's Senior Advisor for Climate)

New USDA Leadership to Build on Civilian Conservation Corps

00:00:59.924   2021-02-19   
USDA's new leadership has plans to build on the Civilian Conservation Corps, to help fight climate change. (Stephanie Ho and Robert Bonnie, USDA's Senior Advisor for Climate)

What Are Some Things USDA Can Do to Promote Racial Equity?

00:00:59.977   2021-02-19   
What are some things USDA can do, internally, to promote racial equity?(Stephanie Ho and Oscar Gonzalez, USDA Assistant Secretary for Administration)

Racial Equity in Rural Areas is Linked to Poverty

00:00:59.977   2021-02-19   
Alleviating poverty and addressing hunger in rural America can help lead to advances in racial equity. (Stephanie Ho and Sara Bleich, USDA Senior Advisor on COVID-19)

USDA Helps People with Nutrition Assistance Programs

00:00:59.977   2021-02-19   
USDA has a variety of programs that offer nutrition assistance to Americans. (Stephanie Ho and Sara Bleich, USDA Senior Advisor on COVID-19)

USDA Combats COVID-19, Especially in Rural Areas

00:00:59.977   2021-02-19   
USDA is helping with federal government efforts to fight COVID-19, especially in hard-hit rural areas. (Stephanie Ho and Sara Bleich, USDA Senior Advisor on COVID-19)

Consumption Grows for World Cotton

00:00:59.559   2021-02-19   
Consumer demand is expected to continue strong for cotton across the globe in the new marketing year, but how will that impact the supply and demand balance sheet? (Rod Bain and USDA economist Stephen MacDonald)

Lower Ending Stocks in U.S. Cotton Balance Sheet

00:01:00.290   2021-02-19   
What factors are pointing to lower ending stocks for our nation's cotton supplies in the 2021-22 marketing year? (Rod Bain and economist Stephen MacDonald)

Farm Economy--"Pretty Solid"

00:00:54.256   2021-02-19   
In what kind of financial shape is the U.S. farm economy? (Gary Crawford and Carrie Litkowski, USDA economist)

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