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Actuality: National Weather Outlook for Mar 9 - 15

00:00:44.068   2021-03-02   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has the National Weather Service's forecast for the second week of March.

Wheat Prices Supported by Worsening Crop Condition Ratings

00:00:58.618   2021-03-02   
Wheat prices are getting support this week from worsening winter wheat condition ratings. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Practice Makes Perfect When Responding to Avian Influenza

00:01:00.160   2021-03-02   
When it comes to being ready to respond to an outbreak of an animal disease like avian influenza, practice is essential. (Gary Crawford and Dr. Barbara Porter-Spalding, with USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)

Vilsack Announces Equity Commission

00:01:00.212   2021-03-01   
The Agriculture Secretary announced an equity commission will soon be formed to study USDA programs and their equity among producers. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Climate Smart Agriculture as a Market Opportunity

00:01:00.186   2021-03-01   
The Agriculture Secretary says various examples of climate smart agriculture can also serve as new and diverse market opportunities for ag producers. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Vilsack on Diversifying Producer Economic Opportunities

00:01:00.186   2021-03-01   
The Agriculture Secretary believes new and increased opportunities must be developed for ag producers to earn more of their income from on-farm activities. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

;Ag Trade Considerations in Coming Months

00:01:00.342   2021-03-01   
What are some areas that may reflect, or perhaps play a part in, a new Biden Administration approach to ag trade over the next few months? (Rod Bain and USDA Senior Economist Sharon Sydow)

Trade Deal Enforcement to Assure Ag Export Markets

00:00:59.820   2021-03-01   
Enforcement of trade agreements such as the USMCA will be essential in assuring increased market opportunities for our nation's ag producers, according to the Agriculture Secretary. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

China's Demand for Ag Products Expected to Continue Growing

00:00:59.977   2021-03-01   
China's demand for ag products is expected to continue growing. (Stephanie Ho and David Dollar, Brookings Institution senior fellow)

China's Demand for Value-Added Ag Products Grows

00:00:59.977   2021-03-01   
China's demand for value-added agricultural products has been growing. (Stephanie Ho and David Dollar, Brookings Institution senior fellow)

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