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Radio Newsline

Actuality: Details of Cities with Really Low Temperatures

00:00:47.856   2021-04-23   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, has details of the low temperature points of this week's cold wave.

Invasive Feral Swine in America - The Series

00:01:00.107   2021-04-23   
A new video series uses personal stories to share how growing invasive feral swine populations damage agriculture, natural resources and ecosystems. (Rod Bain and Jeanine Neskey of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)

Actuality: First-Hand Accounts of Feral Swine Damage

00:00:53.289   2021-04-23   
Farmers and natural resource managers in Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas share their experiences they've had with invasive feral swine, and how this pest adversely impacts fields, orchards, wildlife habitat and infrastructure.

Actuality: Feral Swine Spread and Educational Video Series

00:00:45.270   2021-04-23   
Jeanine Neskey of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service discusses a contributing factor to feral swine population expansion - one reason behind an educational video series on You Tube called "Invasive Feral Swine in America".

Questions on Crop Insurance – Climate Consideration Connection

00:01:00.238   2021-04-23   
What are some questions asked by producers regarding how crop insurance works related to matters of climate and climate smart agriculture? (Rod Bain and Risk Management Agency Chief Actuary Thomas Worth)

Cattle Feedlot Inventories Large, but Smaller than Many Expected

00:00:58.200   2021-04-23   
Friday's USDA report on cattle feedlot activity has large placement and inventory numbers, but not as large as many analysts expected. (Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam)

Actuality: A Look at Margins for Cow-Calf Operators, Feedlots and Packers

00:00:39.497   2021-04-23   
Shayle Shagam, USDA livestock analyst, taking a look a the margin situation for cow/calf operators, feedlots and packers.

Retail Food Prices Continue to Rise

00:01:00.107   2021-04-23   
Retail prices for most food items are continuing to go up, with one exception. (Gary Crawford and Carolyn Chelius, USDA economist)

Actuality: The Latest USDA Food Price Inflation Forecast for 2021

00:00:24.189   2021-04-23   
Carolyn Chelius, USDA economist, with the latest USDA 2021 food price forecast.

White House Announces Interagency Drought Working Group

00:00:57.573   2021-04-22   
The Administration is forming an Interagency Working Group to address worsening drought conditions in the West. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

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