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Vilsack to Investors - Rural America is Ready

00:00:59.846   2021-06-09   
The Agriculture Secretary encouraged investors of business opportunities to look at the promising prospects and innovative aspects of the rural economy. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Vilsack on Rural Economic Investment Opportunities

00:01:00.055   2021-06-09   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses the numerous opportunities for investment in rural America as part of the week-long SelectUSA Investment Summit.

New Trade Update Shows U.S. Ag. Exports Well above Last Year.

00:00:57.782   2021-06-09   
There's some encouraging numbers in USDA's latest update on agricultural trade. (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Is April's Drop in Ag. Exports Anything to Worry about?

00:00:59.689   2021-06-09   
U.S. agricultural exports in April dropped from sales in March. Is that something to worry about? (Gary Crawford and Bart Kenner, USDA economist)

Actuality: Some Key Numbers in USDA's New Ag. Trade Update

00:00:40.751   2021-06-09   
Bart Kenner, USDA economist, with some key numbers in USDA's new update on agricultural trade.

Area of U.S. with Topsoil Moisture Shortages Expands

00:00:57.887   2021-06-09   
Over this past week the area of the U.S. with shortages of topsoil moisture has expanded. (Gary Crawford and Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist)

Pasture Condition Ratings Up Slightly this Week, but Still "Dire"

00:01:00.003   2021-06-09   
Condition ratings this week for pastures and rangelands are slightly improved from last week, but only slightly. (Gary Crawford and Brad Rippey, USDA meteorologist)

Expanding Nanocellulosic Material Research and Development

00:01:00.369   2021-06-09   
Recent grants will support continued studies and product development related to wood-based nanocellulosic materials - products from cement additives to a component in tires. (Rod Bain and Robert Moon of the U.S. Forest Service Forest Products Lab)

Strengthening the Nation's Food System with Significant Investment

00:01:00.290   2021-06-08   
An over $4 billion dollar investment announced Tuesday is design to improve our nation's supply chains, with emphasis on the food and agriculture sectors. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Vilsack on Supply Chain Disruption Task Force.

00:00:31.164   2021-06-08   
Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses the role of the Biden Administration's newly-formed Supply Chain Disruption Task Force which he will co-chair.

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