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Radio Newsline

Actuality: New Weather Pattern Bringing High Heat to the West

00:00:37.440   2024-06-04   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey says the new weather pattern will bring very high temperatures to the West.

Actuality: It's Hard to Find "Bad" News in This Planting Season

00:00:47.016   2024-06-04   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, saying it's hard to find "bad" news in this planting season.

Actuality: National Weather Forecast for June 11 - 17

00:00:54.600   2024-06-04   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with the national weather forecast for June 11th through the 17th.

USDA Outlines Next Steps Toward Fairer Poultry Market System

00:01:00.480   2024-06-03   
USDA is taking more steps to protect poultry producers from being treated unfairly in their dealings with the big processors. (Gary Crawford and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: USDA Developing New Market Data Tool for Cattle Producers

00:00:52.824   2024-06-03   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says USDA is about to launch a new market data tool for cattle producers.

Actuality: USDA Working on Indemnity Plan for Dairies Hit by H5N1

00:00:23.376   2024-06-03   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says USDA will soon announce an Indemnity plan for dairy operations hit by avian influenza.

Actuality: What's Ahead with U.S./Mexican Ag. Relations

00:00:29.520   2024-06-03   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack talks about what's ahead with U.S./Mexican agricultural relation now that Mexico has elected a new President.

Winter and Spring Wheat Crops Both Look Good

00:00:58.248   2024-06-03   
USDA is reportinig that the winter and spring wheat crops both look good. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

The Weather Has Been Pretty Kind to Most Growers This Planting Season

00:00:58.800   2024-06-03   
The weather has been kind to most growers so far this season. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Acuality: Most of the Ag. Weather Problems Have Been Overseas

00:00:24.360   2024-06-03   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, saying that most of the Ag weather problems have been overseas this season, so far.

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