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Actuality: One Example of a Joint USDA/Coca-Cola Conservation Project

00:00:38.136   2023-09-22   
Kurt Ritter with the Coca-Cola Company outlining one of the joint USDA/Coca-Cola conservation projects.

New USDA Report Shows Beef Cattle Numbers Continuing to Fall

00:00:59.167   2023-09-22   
Friday's USDA Cattle on Feed report shows cattle numbers continuing to fall. (Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Mike McConnell)

Actuality: Key Numbers in Friday's USDA Cattle on Feed Report

00:00:25.443   2023-09-22   
USDA livestock analyst, Mike McConnell, with the key numbers from Friday/s USDA Cattle on Feed report.

African Phytosanitary Program Partnership with USDA

00:01:00.186   2023-09-21   
The Agriculture Department recently announced a pilot program in strengthening plant and animal health within participating African nations. (Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt)

Actuality: U.S. Efforts in Plant Pest and Disease Prevention in Africa

00:00:42.318   2023-09-21   
Under Secretary for Marketing and Regulatory Programs Jenny Moffitt discusses some of the history of USDA assisting African countries in establishing sanitary and phytosanitary safeguards.

2024 Dairy Outlook--More Milk Production/Slightly Lower Prices

00:01:00.029   2023-09-21   
More milk production and slightly lower prices---that's the forecast for 2024. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Chairman Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: Milk Production Forecast for 2024

00:00:18.233   2023-09-21   
Mark Jekanowski, USDA Outlook Board Chairman, with USDA's milk production forecast for 2024.

Capitol Christmas Tree Continues Tradition

00:00:59.506   2023-09-21   
This year's selected U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree not only continues a yearly tradition since 1970, but comes from a state with traditions of its own. (Rod Bain and Amy Albright of the U.S. Forest Service)

Actuality: 2023 U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree

00:00:17.110   2023-09-21   
Amy Albright of the U.S. Forest Service in West Virginia describes this year's U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree selected from her home state.

Actuality: Beginnings of U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree Tradition

00:00:29.779   2023-09-21   
Amy Albright of the U.S. Forest Service discusses the origins of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree and its connections to a West Virginia forest.

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