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Radio Newsline

Beef Production and Price Forecast Correlation

00:01:00.160   2023-10-18   
How does USDA’s October outlook on beef production connect with its price forecasts for this year and next? (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report and October USDA Outlook

00:01:00.212   2023-10-18   
How did the numbers from USDA’s latest quarterly hogs and pigs report find their way into the most recent look at pork production and hog prices? (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Possible Poultry Production and Price Predictions

00:01:00.003   2023-10-18   
USDA's October look at broiler and turkey production and price forecasts indicates tighter supplies but mixed prices received by producers. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: Meat Export Forecasts for October

00:00:41.351   2023-10-18   
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski discusses USDA's October outlook for U.S. meat trade and exports.

Feds Feed Familes Celebrates Food Donation Milestone

00:01:00.029   2023-10-18   
The "Feds Feed Families" progran is celebrating a food donation milestone. (Gary Crawford and Agricullture Secretary Tom Vilsack)

A Downward Slide in Condition of U.S. Pastures/Rangelands

00:01:00.395   2023-10-18   
There"s beem a slight downward slide in condition ratings of U.S. pastures and rangelands. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Chances Slim for Pasture Recovery before Winter Stops Growth

00:00:24.058   2023-10-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippy, saying that in many places where drought has damaged pastures, the chances are slim for pasture recovery before next Spring.

Actuality: Some States with Poor Pasture/Rangeland Condition Ratings

00:00:40.881   2023-10-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippy, talking about some states that have poor pasture and rangeland condition ratings.

Actuality: Some States Have Very Good Pastures/Rangeland Conditions

00:00:25.260   2023-10-18   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippy, talking about some states with good-to-excellent pasture conditions.

Mississippi River Levels Continue Falling to New Record Lows

00:00:59.036   2023-10-17   
Record low Mississippi River levels not causing as many problems as last year, partly due to decisions by farmers and grain traders. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

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