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Radio Newsline

Cotton Harvest Accelerates

00:00:56:32   2023-11-06   
The cotton harvest is picking up speed in many areas. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

A Good Week Overall for Corn/Soybean Harvesting

00:00:59:68:   2023-11-06   
Weather has been generally good for corn and soybean harvesting. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: The Latest on the Peanut Harvest

00:00:40:96   2023-11-06   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with the latest on the peanut harvest.

Actuality: Sugarbeet Harvest

00:00:43:65   2023-11-06   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with the final report on the sugarbeet harvest.

Actuality: The Latest on the Sunflower Harvest

00:00:30:11   2023-11-06   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with the latest on the sunflower harvest.

FSA County Committee Elections 60 Second PSA

00:00:59:64   2023-11-06   
* - STATIONS: Please stop airing this public service announcement after 5 PM Eastern on Monday, December 4 - * Farm Service Agency Administrator Zach Ducheneaux with a reminder that voting for County Committee positions takes place between November 6th and December 4th.

A Successful U.S. Agricultural Trade Mission to Southeast Asia

00:00:58:90   2023-11-03   
Trade mission participants are heading home after a successful U.S. agricultural trade mission to Southeast Asia. (Gary Crawford and Alexis Taylor, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade)

Actuality: Trade Missions Are Not Just for Selling, but also for Learning

00:00:28:94   2023-11-03   
Karen Ross, California's Agriculture Secretary was on the trade mission to Southeast Asia and told reporters that these missions are not just for making new sales, but also for learning about the market.

Actuality: An Example of a Possible New Southeast Asian Market

00:00:34:32   2023-11-03   
Alexis Taylor, Under Secretary of Agriculture for Trade, giving just one example of a possible new market in Southeast Asia for U.S. grains and oilseed products.

Vilsack Expects No Farm Bill to be Approved This Year

00:01:00:13   2023-11-03   
The Agriculture Secretary believes a new Farm Bill will not be approved by Congress before the end of the year, but what can be done to avoid a lapse in various USDA Farm Bill programs? (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

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