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This Week USDA Will Release New Beef Supply/Demand Forecasts

00:00:56.424   2024-02-05   
How much beef will the U.S. produce this year? What price are producers likely to get for their steers,on average? USDA is about to issue its answer to those questions. (Gary Crawford and USDA Outlook Board Chairman Mark Jekanowski) ***USDA will issue its new Ag. Supply and Demand forecasts Thursday at noon EST***

Groundhog Predicts Early Spring

00:00:56.764   2024-02-02   
The groundhog's weather prediction this year should please most folks. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg)

Actuality: Weather Folklore and Weather Science Still Not That Far Apart

00:00:51.800   2024-02-02   
USDA Chief Meteorologist Mark Brusberg saying in some cases weather folklore and weather science are not that far apart.

Snowpack Levels and Concerns Vary Out West

00:01:00.395   2024-02-02   
The Western Mountain snowpack season at the two third point is a mixed bag regarding accumulations along the various ranges of the region. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Sierra-Nevada Snowpack Concerns

00:00:50.755   2024-02-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses what has so far been below normal snowpack accumulation in the Sierra-Nevada Mountains and its potential impacts on California water supplies.

Actuality: Atmospheric Rivers and Western Mountain Snowpacks

00:00:56.320   2024-02-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at the impacts of atmospheric rivers and mountain snowpack accumulations in an area of the Western U.S.

Actuality: Colorado River System Water Storage

00:00:31.268   2024-02-02   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses ongoing water storage issues with the Colorado River system due to long-term drought.

Drought Coverage at Lowest Levels Since June

00:00:59.846   2024-02-01   
The final U.S. Drought Monitor for January 2024 shows marked improvements in total drought coverage, reaching levels not this low since last June. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Drought Coverage by States

00:00:49.031   2024-02-01   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses some of the states with notable drought coverage reductions for the period ending January 30.

Actuality: Commodities in Drought

00:01:00.342   2024-02-01   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey discusses drought coverage of winter wheat, hay, and cattle for the period ending January 30.

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