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Radio Newsline Archive

Food is Medicine and Importance of Nourishment

00:00:59.193   2024-01-31   
The Agriculture Secretary weighed in on nourishment's role in healthy outcomes as part of a panel during the Department of Health and Human Services' "Food is Medicine" summit. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Vilsack on Food is Medicine

00:00:50.416   2024-01-31   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack provides his views on the subject of "Food is Medicine" during a Health and Human Services Department summit of the same name.

Actuality: Nutrition Research and Education

00:01:00.238   2024-01-31   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses how research and education on the benefits of nutrition is vital to improve better health outcomes.

Actuality: Role of Incentive and Market Opportunity in Nutrition

00:00:54.465   2024-01-31   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack explains how incentives and more supply through diverse markets can improve nutrition and health during a recent Health and Human Services summit.

Topsoil Moisture Boost to Several States in January

00:01:00.264   2024-01-31   
Increased precipitation in several reporting states was reflected in USDA's latest look at topsoil moisture ratings. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey)

Actuality: State Topsoil Moisture Surplus Highlights

00:00:59.428   2024-01-31   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at states with significant topsoil moisture surplus within the end of January State Stories report.

Actuality: Very Short to Short Topsoil Moisture by State

00:00:33.332   2024-01-31   
USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey looks at states with notable very-short to short topsoil moisture ratings at the end of January.

Groundhog Getting Ready for His Big Announcement

00:00:56.346   2024-01-31   
Punxsutawney Phil, that famous weather-predicting groundhog is getting ready for his big announcement. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

No Signs of Beef Cattle Herd Re-build

00:00:55.536   2024-01-31   
New USDA cattle report shows beef cattle herd will continue to shrink. (Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam)

Key Numbers from USDA Cattle Inventory Report

00:01:05.671   2024-01-31   
Shayle Shagam, USDA livestock analyst, with some of the key numbers in USDA's Cattle report.