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Radio Newsline Archive

Actuality: The Latest on the Peanut Crop

00:00:40.411   2023-07-24   
USDA meteroologist, Brad Rippey, with the latest on the peanut crop.

Actuality: A Look at the Rice Crop

00:00:41.038   2023-07-24   
USDA meteroologist, Brad Rippey, with an update on the rice crop.

Actuality: A Progrerss Report on the Winter Wheat Harvest

00:00:43.833   2023-07-24   
USDA meteroologist, Brad Rippey, with a progress report on the winter wheat harvest.

Poor Texas Cotton Crop Pulling Down National Average Condition Ratings

00:00:59.533   2023-07-24   
The poor Texas cotton crop is pulling down national average condition ratings.