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Radio Newsline Archive

2022 Will Set Records for Farm Income

00:01:00.029   2022-12-01   
By the end of this year will have generated huge income numbers for the ag. sector. (Gary Crawford and Spiro Stefanou, Administrator of USDA's Economic Research Service)

Actuality: Some Key Numbers in Latest USDA Farm Income Forecast

00:00:37.067   2022-12-01   
Spiro Stefanou, Administrator of USDA's Economic Research Service, with some of the key numbers in USDA's latest forecast for 2022 farm income.

Some Holiday Cheer in USDA's Farm Income "Forecast"

00:00:59.324   2022-12-01   
USDA's new farm income forecast has quite a bit of happy holiday news in it. (Gary Crawford and USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer)

Actuality: Report Shows Downturn in Government Payments to Farmers

00:00:58.801   2022-12-01   
USDA Chief Economist Seth Meyer discusses the dramatic downturn in direct government payments to farmers during 2022.

Multiple Years Proposed for Renewable Fuel Standard

00:01:00.081   2022-12-01   
For the first time, the Environmental Protection Agency is announcing proposed blending volumes under its Renewable Fuel Standard for multiple years. (Rod Bain and Chris Bliley of Growth Energy)

Bringing Up Ag Trade Business in Spain

00:01:00.029   2022-12-01   
USDA's latest agricultural trade mission is drumming up business for our nation's farm and food goods from buyers in Spain and Portugal. (Rod Bain and Foreign Agricultural Service Associate Administrator Clay Hamilton)

Actuality: Participation in, and Purpose of, Ag Trade Mission to Spain

00:00:42.000   2022-12-01   
Foreign Agricultural Service Associate Administrator Clay Hamilton discusses the make up of the U.S. delegation participating in this week's agricultural trade mission to Spain, and the development of future business for participants.

A Shrinking of U.S. Drought Coverage in November

00:00:59.977   2022-12-01   
While still at high levels, the latest U.S. Drought Monitor reveals a reduction in drought coverage over the past month. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Areas Experiencing Shrinking Drought

00:00:48.096   2022-12-01   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, discusses parts of the country that saw lessening drought coverage over the month of November.

Actuality: Expanding Drought in Parts of the Country

00:00:42.360   2022-12-01   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, notes two regions of the nation that experiencing increased drought coverage, per the November 29th U.S. Drought Monitor.