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Radio Newsline Archive

U.S. Cotton Crop Forecast Changes Domestic/Global Supply/Demand Picture

00:00:59.611   2022-08-15   
USDA's latest data on our nation's cotton production forecast has led to adjustments in both the U.S. and world cotton balance sheets this month. (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski)

Actuality: U.S. Cotton Balance Sheet after Reduced Crop Forecast

00:00:41.273   2022-08-15   
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski discusses how lower production forecasts for our nation's cotton crop translates into adjustments in the domestic supply and demand estimate.

U.S./China Behind Rise in Global Soybean Supply Forecast

00:00:59.592   2022-08-15   
Increased forecasts for soybean production in two countries are contributing to similar changes in the world soybean market situation. . (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowksi)

Actuality: U.S. Soybean Production, Balance Sheet and Price Forecasts

00:00:57.991   2022-08-15   
World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowski provides updates on domestic soybean production, supply, use and price forecasts. .

Domestic Rice Production Up, and so are Price Prospects

00:00:59.898   2022-08-15   
U.S. rice production forecasts have been adjusted up. How does that translate to supplies and to what producers should receive pricewise? (Rod Bain and World Agricultural Outlook Board Chair Mark Jekanowsk)

Nutrient Management Improvements Focus of New USDA Initiative

00:00:59.689   2022-08-15   
The Agriculture Secretary Monday announced a new streamlined initiative promoting greater nutrient management through climate smart conservation practices and Natural Resources Conservation Service programs. (Rod Bain and Secretary Tom Vilsack)

Actuality: Initiative to Improve Nutrient Management

00:00:57.864   2022-08-15   
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack discusses an initiative utilizing Natural Resources Conservation Service programs and resources in efforts to improve nutrient management through conservation practices.

Most Crop Conditon Ratings Dropped Slightly During this Past Week

00:01:00.133   2022-08-15   
The condition ratings fsor most row crops took a slight dive during this past week. (Gary Crawford and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: A Look at Corn Crop Development

00:00:33.880   2022-08-15   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with a look at corn crop development during this past week.

Actuality: Corn Condition Rating

00:00:28.238   2022-08-15   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, with more details on the condition rating for corn.