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Topsoil Moisture Conditions Improve from a Week Ago

00:00:59.768   2022-08-03   
Rain events in several areas of the country are behind improvements in USDA’s latest topsoil moisture condition ratings. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Topsoil Moisture Shortness by State

00:01:00.055   2022-08-03   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, covers some of the states with notable very short-to-short topsoil moisture condition ratings for the week ending July 31st.

Steady Numbers in Latest Pasture and Rangeland Condition Report

00:00:59.402   2022-08-03   
The pasture and rangeland conditions across the country changed little week-over-week. (Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey)

Actuality: Problem Areas in Pasture and Rangeland Condition Report

00:00:55.080   2022-08-03   
USDA meteorologist, Brad Rippey, looks at states with the highest degree of very poor-to-poor pasture and rangeland conditions for the week ending July 31.

Great American Outdoors Act is Two Years Old and Working

00:01:00.029   2022-08-03   
A Law that authorizes dedicated funding for needed repair and maintenance of U.S. Forest Service facilities is two years old this week. It was signed August 4th of 2020. (Gary Crawford and Jeffrey Vail, Director of Forest Service Implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act)

Actuality: Two Major Components of Great American Outdoors Act

00:00:48.222   2022-08-03   
Jeffrey Vail, Director of Forest Service Implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act, talking about the two main components of that law. It was signed into law August 4, 2020.

Actuality: Two-Year Old Law is Improving National Forest Visitor Experience

00:00:28.447   2022-08-03   
Jeffrey Vail, Director of Forest Service Implementation of the Great American Outdoors Act, saying projects under that law are improving the experiences of many visitors to National Forests and other public lands.

Drought Monitor Data Versus Drought Perception

00:01:00.107   2022-08-03   
What producers and others may see in the way of drought conditions on the ground level may not necessarily reflect the numbers in the weekly U.S. Drought Monitor. (Rod Bain and Brian Fuchs of the National Drought Mitigation Center)

Actuality: Drought Perceptions Vs. Drought Monitor Categories

00:00:59.454   2022-08-03   
Brian Fuchs of the National Drought Monitor Mitigation Center explains why to some the U.S. Drought Monitor weekly condition categories may not reflect what they see or experience in their locale.

Bee Colony Loss Numbers Lower than Last Year, but Still "Not Sustainable"

00:00:59.350   2022-08-03   
Honeybee colony losses are , so far, a little lower than last year, but beekeepers and scientists say the losses are still far too high. (Gary Crawford. Chris Hiatt, beekeeper and Pres. of the American Honey Producers Association. Lanie Bilodeau, Research Leader at the USDA Bee Laboratory in Baton Rouge, Louisiana)