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Radio Newsline Archive

U.S. Hay Acreage Continues its Downward Trend

00:01:00.107   2021-07-02   
U.S. hay acreage is continuing its long-term downward trend, and the drought isn't helping things. (Gary Crawford and Lance Honig with USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service)

An Unusual Happening in the U.S. Tobacco World

00:00:56.267   2021-07-02   
The latest USDA report on planted acreage shows an unusual situation for tobacco. (Gary Crawford and Lance Honig with USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service)

Tart Cherry Production Forecasts Lowered

00:00:59.872   2021-07-02   
What is behind USDA's outlook of a lower tart cherry crop for this season? (Rod Bain and Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service)

More Sweet Cherries Available to Consumers This Season

00:01:00.316   2021-07-02   
Despite extreme dryness in the West Coast sweet cherry growing states, this year's crop faired well, meaning more sweet cherries this summer. (Rod Bain and Lance Honig of the National Agricultural Statistics Service)