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Radio Features

Innovations in Western Wildfire Mitigation Efforts

00:02:59.069 2023-01-03   
What are some of the new ways that Western states and wildfire management entities are using to reduce wildfire activity? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Jerry Perez of the U.S. Forest Service. New Mexico State Forester Laura McCarthy. Dan Porter of the Nature Conservancy. Washington State Forester George Geissler.

Benefits and Challenges of Agritourism

00:05:00.199 2022-12-27   
Agritourism remains popular for both farm owners and consumers due to its variety of benefits. Yet for a farmer or rancher wishing to run an agritourism operation, there are challenges to consider. Rod Bain looks at various benefits and challenges associated with agritourism in this edition of “Agriculture USA”.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Audrey Comerford of Oregon State University Extension

Lot's of Post-Holiday Uses for that Old Real Christmas Tree

00:03:00.035 2022-12-27   
That real Christmas tree can have many uses far after the holidays are over. Gary Crawford has more.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and Kansas State University forester, Charlie Barden.

The Value of USDA Foreign Market Development and Access Programs

00:02:59.774 2022-12-27   
How do two USDA programs centered on foreign export market development and market access provide benefits to our nation's economy and to the ag sector? Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Foreign Agricultural Service Deputy Administrator Mark Slupek

Serving Food and Ag in New Capacities

00:02:56.143 2022-12-27   
Three White House nominees to Agriculture Department and ag trade posts – all with ties to USDA – received full confirmation by the U.S. Senate prior to the holiday recess. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Doug McKalip. Alexis Taylor. Jose Emilio Esteban.

A Unique and Eventful Hurricane Season in 2022

00:02:59.121 2022-12-27   
The final numbers for both Atlantic and Pacific tropical storms and hurricanes are among the indicators of the uniqueness of this past season. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and USDA meteorologist Brad Rippey

Advancements to Detect COVID Virus in Wild and Domestic Animals

00:02:44.466 2022-12-27   
USDA is working on various projects designed to better detect and understand the COVID virus and its variants in wild and domestic animals, and in turn, improve response to these threats. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Associate Administrator Mike Watson

Trends in Agritourism

00:02:20.736 2022-12-27   
An Extension expert discusses some of the trends that are taking place in the realm of agritourism. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Audrey Comerford of Oregon State University Extension

Key to Global Ag Competitiveness - Ag Research and Innovation

00:02:06.275 2022-12-27   
Continued innovation in and through our nation’s federal and land grant university labs and research facilities is important to keeping U.S. farm and food goods competitive globally. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain and Under Secretary for Research, Education, and Economics Chovanda Jacobs Young

USDA Programs Supporting Ag Export Opportunities

00:02:28.976 2022-12-27   
Recent allocations were announced for two USDA programs designed to foster ag export market access and development - programs important to various commodity and ag trade organizations. Rod Bain reports.

PARTICIPANTS: Rod Bain. Cary Siffereth of the U.S. Grains Council. Dean Meyer of the U.S. Meat Export Federation. Tom Haig of the National Corn Growers Association. Maria Zieba of the National Pork Producers Council.

Are Pork Producers Changing their Minds about Cutting Production?

00:02:22.445 2022-12-27   
Are the nation's pork producers changing their minds about cutting production? Gary Crawford has this report.

PARTICIPANTS: Gary Crawford and USDA livestock analyst, Shayle Shagam.
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